Chapter 39

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Finn got home around two o'clock in the morning and closed the door behind him quietly. He was hoping not to wake Rory up when he slipped into bed. He stumbled through the dark living room, almost falling several times. There was probably more scotch than blood in his bloodstream at this point. He walked into their bedroom and was shocked to find that Rory wasn't there. He sighed and made his way around the house, checking each room for his girlfriend. His fear and confusion mounted each time he found a room empty. He suddenly sobered up a bit when he checked the last room and still hadn't found her. This wasn't like her at all.

"Rory?" he called loudly. "Rory? Are you there?" he slurred. No answer.

He plucked his phone from his pocket and dialed her number only to hear her phone ringing from the living room. He walked in and found her phone sitting there next to the couch. He unlocked it and glanced through her messages for a clue as to her whereabouts, but there was nothing helpful there. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair as he tried to figure out where she might be. He somehow steadied himself enough to walk back out to the parking garage only to find that her car was still there. As he walked back into their building, he stopped at the front desk.

"Mr. Morgan, is there something we can help you with this morning?" the night doorman, George, asked.

"There is, George. Did you happen to see Miss Gilmore leave tonight?" he asked.

"I did, sir. It must have been around seven o'clock," George replied.

"And she hasn't returned?" Finn prodded.

"No, sir. I haven't seen her since," George confirmed.

"I see. Was she carrying anything with her when she left?"

"No, sir. She only had her keys in her hand. I thought it was odd because she always has her purse, and she never goes out wearing sweats, and she looked quite upset," George replied.

"Interesting. Thank you, George. If you see her, please let me know right away," Finn requested before getting into the elevator and riding it back up to his apartment.

He threw his keys down on the table next to the front door and thought through his options. He was worried about Rory and concerned about her being so upset, but he was hardly in any shape to go look for her. Frankly, he wouldn't know where to start looking anyway. He knew she wasn't in Stars Hollow, since her car was here. Unable to hold himself upright any longer, he finally fell onto the couch and instantly fell into a deep, drunk sleep. Trying to figure out where Rory was would have to wait until the next day.

*                    *                    *

Finn woke up with a raging headache and very little memory of why he was sleeping on the couch. He stood up and felt his way into the kitchen, downing two aspirin and a bottle of water before walking to his bedroom. He instantly remembered the previous evening when he saw the empty bed, still made up from the previous morning. Rory hadn't been home when he'd stumbled through the door. All of the fear and confusion and anger came flooding back to him with perfect clarity. They needed to talk, but he couldn't bring himself to start the conversation and explain what was going through his head; he was too scared that he would lose her if they went down that road. Had he already lost her? He couldn't think about that at the moment.

Desperate to at least see her with his own eyes and ensure that she was okay, he showered and changed for work. He stopped on the way to the office and grabbed a cup of coffee for himself and one for Rory - he hoped it could serve as a bit of an olive branch. He walked into the office and headed straight for her door, but Amy stopped him on his way.

"Miss Gilmore is out sick today, Mr. Morgan," she informed him.

"Out sick?" Finn asked in confusion. "Did she call?"

"Yes, she did, sir. She said she wasn't feeling well and wouldn't be in today. She let me know she would be available on her cell phone by mid-morning," Amy confirmed.

Finn just stared blankly at her for a moment, trying to take in this new information.

"Thank you, Amy. I appreciate your help," he said softly. This just multiplied his fears and worry. They'd been doing so well until he found out that she was keeping such a huge, life-altering piece of information from him. He couldn't help but get angry that she showed no concern for him when she chose to leave him in the dark, acting as though she was the only one affected.

If she was going to be available on her cell phone that meant she would have to go home to get it, so he made a quick decision to go home and meet her there. Just as he turned to walk toward the elevator, his dad stopped him.

"There you are, son. I need you on the jet to that new location we've been trying to acquire - I think we've come to an agreement on the purchase and we need to sign the papers before they change their mind," Finnegan told him.

Finn sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "Is there anyone else who can go, Dad? I really need to be here right now," Finn pleaded.

"I'm sorry, son, but it needs to be you. The jet is fueled and waiting, and you'll get there just in time to meet with the other party. You should be home by tomorrow night, but we need you to leave now," Finnegan insisted.

Finn quickly resigned himself to his fate.

"Alright, sure. I'll run home and pack my bag and be on my way to the airstrip," he consented.

"There's no time for that; we have to move now. Use the company card and buy whatever you need when you arrive. I appreciate you, son," Finnegan finished before he turned and walked away.

Finn nodded, and with one look back toward Rory's empty office he walked into the elevator to meet the waiting car that would take him to the airstrip. As he sat in the car, he took out his phone and sent one text to Rory.

I have to go out of town on business; I'll be back tomorrow evening. We need to talk, Rory. -F

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