Chapter 16

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Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday passed in a blur of campaign activity and writing for Rory, and working long enough hours to keep himself from missing Rory too much and finishing his work for the entire week for Finn.  They were in the same city and sharing a room, but their time together was limited. 

This was crunch time in the Presidential campaign arena, and Rory found herself reeling much the same way as she had during finals week in college.  She found herself increasingly grateful for the way that Finn just seemed to know what she needed.  He was so incredibly intuitive, assuring her that he wanted her to work when she was apologetic for having to work too much, and then making sure she took time to relax and enjoy herself in what little down time she had.  She often wondered how she would have made it through this week without him.  They'd only been seeing each other for not even two weeks, but it felt like he had been in her life for much longer.  In truth, he had been, but not in this capacity.

Finn had been careful to keep Lorelai's trip to Des Moines a surprise and wanted to have everything wrapped up with work as  much as possible before her arrival in order to enjoy time with Rory and her mom.  He was hopeful that all would go well in meeting Lorelai; he knew that Rory valued her mom's opinion and he also knew just how much Lorelai hadn't really cared for Logan for most of their relationship.  He had never been much of one for wanting to meet the parents of the girls he'd dated, but he found himself very much looking forward to meeting Lorelai and hoping that his friendship with Logan didn't reflect poorly on him in her eyes.

Thursday morning came and Finn slipped out of bed before Rory was awake to double check that everything was set for Lorelai's trip and to ensure that she had everything that she needed.  Satisfied that everything was handled, he started a pot of coffee and began packing things from around the room.  He hadn't told Rory anything other than that he had made plans for the entire two days she was off and that it was a surprise, and he was almost giddy with excitement over seeing her reaction when the surprise played out.

He noticed Rory slowly stirring and moved to the bed to greet her, sitting down next to her.

"Morning, beautiful.  Sleep well?" he asked after kissing her softly.

"Mmm...I really did.  This week has worn me out, but I feel much more human now.  Why are you up so early?"

"It's all part of the surprise, my dear.  Now, you'd better get up and shower and get ready.  Grab whatever clothes you want from your suitcase and I'll work on packing everything else while you're getting ready," Finn instructed.

"Pack for what, Finn?" Rory asked, her confusion evident on her face.

"That's for me to know and you to find out very soon.  We're checking out as soon as you're ready.  Now, up in the shower," Finn tutted at her as he pulled her out of bed and patted her butt as he sent her off to the shower still looking bewildered.

Rory grabbed jeans and a casual shirt from her suitcase, still eyeing her boyfriend suspiciously, but finally took off to the bathroom and allowed the hot shower to work out all of the tension from the binge reporting she had done this week.  She emerged from the bathroom twenty minutes later to find everything that wasn't in the bathroom packed up and Finn holding a cup of coffee for her.

"God, you really are the best," she cooed as she took the drink from his hands and leaned into him while she hungrily drank the cup.

"Anything for you, love," Finn whispered as he kissed her forehead.  "Now, you finish up in the bathroom so we can get on our way."

"On our way where?" Rory baited him.

"Nice try, Miss Gilmore, but I'm not giving away any secrets," Finn replied sternly.

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