Epilogue: Part 1

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"Just a few more pushes, Love. You're amazing," Finn encouraged Rory as he kissed her on the forehead. She'd been in labor for an exhausting 37 hours, and she was finally nearing the end. He was in awe of her strength and stamina. He'd never been more proud of his wife.

Rory closed her eyes and pushed again with all of the strength that she could muster and breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the beautiful cry of their baby. Tears streaked down her face, and she looked up at Finn to see his look of absolute amazement. He also had tears in his face as he looked down at his wife and their child.

"You're doing great, Rory. We just need another push and your baby will be all the way out and we'll be able to see whether it's a boy or a girl," the doctor told Rory.

Rory nodded and gave one last push, clinging to Finn desperately. He'd been her rock during the entirety of her pregnancy and labor. He had supported her beautifully while she worked through contraction after contraction, his love and care never wavering.

"That's it; you can rest now," the doctor said as she suctioned their baby. After she was satisfied that the baby was breathing well, she held the baby up. "Good job, Mom and Dad."

"It's a girl," Finn whispered, his tears now also flowing freely. "We have a daughter."

"She's incredible," replied Rory.

"Dad, would you like to cut the cord?" the doctor asked, holding the scissors out toward Finn.

He wiped his tears and reached down and took the scissors from her hand and cut the cord.

"Great job, Dad. Are you ready for your little one, Mom?"

Rory nodded her head, still overcome by emotion, and slipped her hospital gown so she could hold her daughter skin-to-skin. The doctor laid the baby on her chest and Finn leaned down and kissed them both, in awe of the two most important women in his life. It seemed unbelievable that he and Rory had created this little life.

"She's perfect, Ror," he said softly, stroking her cheek with his finger.

"Still sure about her name?" Rory asked. They'd chosen names for a boy and for a girl since they'd decided not to find out what they were having.

"I'm absolutely certain," Finn said with a smile.

"Hey there, little Lorelai Amelia Morgan," Rory said softly. They planned to call her Mia.

Finn sat later that night, rocking his baby girl as Rory slept. The entire day was overwhelming in the best possible way. Colin had told him a few weeks ago when his and Stephanie's son was born that the entire experience was indescribable, but Finn didn't understand until he saw his own daughter come into the world. Mia stirred gently in her sleep and grunted as she shifted and he sighed contentedly. He'd never been so in love in his life - with his wife or their daughter. They'd spent the afternoon bonding quietly with Mia and letting Rory get the hang of nursing. Their parents and grandparents had visited briefly, but they had otherwise spent the time as a family of three. As he looked on at his wife and daughter, he couldn't help but feel as though he was the luckiest man alive.

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