Chapter 7

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A/N: You guys truly are amazing.  Every single review or comment makes my whole day, and they make me want to keep writing even more.  I'm so thrilled that you're enjoying the story!

Finn stirred slowly as his alarm on his cell phone went off the next morning, reaching over to turn it off before snuggling into Rory again.  They had fallen asleep on the couch, and she was now sleeping laying on his chest.  He laid there enjoying having her in his arms for a few more minutes before carefully getting up, settling her back on the couch and pulling the blanket up over her. 

"Finn?" she asked sleepily.

"I'm here, kitten.  I need to shower and get ready for work.  You sleep for a bit and I'll call for coffee and breakfast for us.  I'll walk you to your room on my way down to my office, okay?"

"Mmm.  Okay, but it won't be as nice as you sleeping with me.  That was the best night of sleep in forever," for mumbled as she began to doze off again.

Finn stood there for a moment, watching the beautiful woman who was asleep in his room and feeling completely content.  He finally shook himself free from his thoughts and called room service for coffee and breakfast before proceeding to the shower.  He let the hot water rain down on his body, easing the aches and kinks from having slept on a couch, but he realized that he'd rather sleep on the couch with her than in the bed without her.

He turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist, taking time to brush his teeth and towel his hair off, and then walked into the room to find Rory awake, much to his surprise.

"Sorry, love.  I didn't think you'd be up yet or I would have gotten dressed before I came out of the bathroom," Finn said with a wink.

"Hey, if we're dating I'm pretty sure I can gawk at you in a towel, right?  I mean, isn't that one of the perks?" Rory mused with a mischievous grin.

"By all means, dear, gawk all you want," Finn answered with a chuckle.  "And here I thought I might have embarrassed you when I came out here in a towel and you were awake..." Finn trailed off.

Rory just smiled as she crossed the room wrapped her arms around his neck, standing on her tiptoes so she could kiss him.  Finn wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her to him, and returned her kiss with just as much intensity.  Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and they both groaned in frustration at the interruption.

"Kitten, could you get that please?  It's room service."

"I'm on it, Finn.  You'd better go get dressed if you want to make it out of this room today!" she said with a laugh.

Rory answered the door and wheeled the cart into the room and set their breakfast on the dining table while Finn dressed, and she was already diving into her breakfast when he returned to their room and sat down across from her to eat his breakfast.

"I must say, Mr. Morgan, you look almost as nice in your custom-tailored suit as you do in your towel," Rory said with a smirk.

"My, my, Miss Gilmore.  I never would have expected you to be so forward," he retorted in mock disgust.

"Hey, it's just another one of the perks that come with dating you, right?" Rory said with a giggle.

"I think I'm going to have to get an exhaustive list of these perks, kitten.  Please tell me that they're reciprocal?" Finn chuckled.

"Oh, they most certainly are reciprocal!" Rory said with a wink.

"As much as I'd love to continue this discussion on reciprocal perks of dating you, I must get to my office, kitten.  Ready?"

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