Chapter 34

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Rory had finally settled into her new job, much to her relief, and had found that Finn was right - she had more than enough work to keep her busy.  She had spent the last two weeks sifting through resumes, setting up and conducting interviews, and working with the new graphic design team in order to get some mock-ups of logos and artwork for the new magazine.  She was busier than she'd ever been at work, but she loved every minute of it. 

She'd be lying if she said she hadn't been a bit concerned about how working with her boyfriend would work out, but it was going extremely well.  They walked to work together in the morning, often stopping for coffee or breakfast on the way, and had lunch together most days.  Finn was so sweet about peeking in on her and making sure that she didn't forget to come up for air when she needed a break.

She had fallen in easily with everyone at work and was pleasantly surprised that she didn't hear any grumblings from anyone claiming that she only got her job because of her connections to the Morgan family.  In fact, it seemed that everyone in the office was well aware of the events preceding her job offer and welcomed her with open arms.  Rory had no doubt that she'd made the right decision in choosing this job over the offer from the Times.

Now it was Thanksgiving and Finn and Rory were ready to enjoy a long weekend and time with their families.  They were driving to Stars Hollow on Wednesday evening so they could celebrate with an early lunch at the Dragonfly, and then they would drive back to New York to celebrate with Finn's family that evening.  The inn was already buzzing with activity when Finn and Rory walked downstairs from their room at the inn on Thursday morning, but Lorelai spotted them as soon as they were at the bottom of the stairs.

"If it isn't my big-city daughter and her Aussie boyfriend!" Lorelai squealed as they walked in.

"Mom!  Happy Thanksgiving!" Rory replied as she embraced her mom for an over-exuberant hug.

The two women broke their embrace and Lorelai moved to Finn.

"And happy Thanksgiving to you too, daughter's boyfriend!" Lorelai chuckled as they hugged.

"Happy Thanksgiving to you as well, Lorelai.  What can we do to help you?"

"Well, I certainly wouldn't turn down some help with putting tablecloths on and setting the tables if you really don't mind."

"Lead the way," Finn replied, eager to help.

"I really like this one, Ror.  Please tell me he can be the son-in-law someday?" Lorelai pleaded teasingly.

"Mom!  He's right there!" Rory scolded.

"I'll see what I can do about that at some point, Lorelai," Finn turned around and replied with a wink, rendering both woman speechless.  Rory finally broke the silence after Finn was out of earshot.

"Did he just say..."

"He did, sweets."

"Wow," Rory whispered.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just a little surprised.  I mean, it's only logical that marriage is on the table since we're living together and talking about buying a place together before long.  It's just...neither of us had ever actually said anything about it."

"And how do you feel now that your mommy opened her big mouth?"

"I feel...good.  Happy.  Like I wouldn't need to make a pro/con list," Rory replied with a smile.

"Whoa.  That's big, kiddo.  So when Logan proposed you needed the list and 24 hours to consider and still said no, but now..."

"I'd have an answer as soon as the words were out of his mouth." Rory confirmed, which prompted much squealing and hugging between mother and daughter.

"Everything okay over there, ladies?" Finn asked from across the room.

"Everything's great.  Just having a moment," Rory chuckled.

"Well, you could at least come help your future son-in-law with the tablecloths while you're having a moment," Finn joked, unfortunately just as Richard and Emily walked in the room.

"You're getting married?!" Emily asked excitedly.

"No!  Grandma, Grandpa, hi.  No, we were just joking around.  Finn and I are not engaged," Rory corrected.

"Well, I hardly think that's a joking matter.  Really, you two are living together, so is it such a stretch for us to think that there might be a wedding soon?  I don't understand you kids today; this is not the way things are supposed to happen," Emily scolded.

"Now, Emily.  Leave the kids alone.  They're happy, and that's what matters," Richard boomed.

"I'm simply saying that there's a way these things are supposed to happen," Emily huffed.

"Mom, Finn and Rory can make their own decisions as to when or if they get married.  Let's just enjoy our Thanksgiving," Lorelai replied, trying to diffuse the situation.

"I don't understand why he would call himself the future son-in-law if he didn't intend to marry her," Emily continued ranting.

"Rory, why don't you go help Sookie in the kitchen," Lorelai instructed her daughter, giving her a pointed look to run while she could.  Rory quickly left for the kitchen while she could.

"Look, Mom. I made a joke about how much I liked Finn and asking if he could be my son-in-law someday and we were making jokes because of that.  Just...take a deep breath and drop it," Lorelai pacified her mother.

"She's 25 years old, Lorelai.  It's time for her to start thinking about settling down."

"She's pretty darn settled, Mom.  She has a job, a boyfriend who loves her, and a gorgeous apartment to come home to."

"I suppose she does," Emily conceded hesitantly.

"And that boyfriend who loves her would love to become a husband sometime down the road, but we're not ready yet, so please don't put any pressure on Rory.  She's had a lot of changes in a very short timeframe.  Just support her and be happy for her," Finn added firmly, effectively ending the argument.

"Well, I suppose we can agree to that, can't we, Richard?" Emily replied with a cheshire cat grin.

"Indeed we can, my dear," Richard agreed.

"How do you handle my parents like that?  You have to teach me!" Lorelai whispered in Finn's ear as the elder Gilmores walked away to get drinks.

"It's a special skill, honed by years of watching my parents handle society," Finn chuckled.  "Stick around and I'm sure you'll learn a few things."

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