Chapter 37

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November had turned to December, and life at the office was more than hectic.  Rory was working hard to train her staff and prepare for the launch of the new magazine, and Finn was putting in long hours working on expansion and acquisitions.  Rory had made it a point to get home in time for dinner every night, hoping to spend time with Finn, but she had ended up sitting home eating takeout.  It had been two weeks since they'd spent any real time together when they were both awake, and Rory's old fears of not being enough were resurfacing.  It felt like every man who had ever walked away from her all over again - her dad, Jess, Logan - and it hurt.  She knew that she wasn't exactly being rational, but all hope of logic seemed to be out the window at the moment.

Finally, having had enough, she dried her eyes and decided that it was time to do something to help herself feel better.  She grabbed her keys and wallet and walked down to the grocery store on the corner.  As she was standing there trying to choose between the rocky road or the mint chocolate chip, she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Hey, Ace.  I didn't expect to see you here."

She turned to see Logan standing there watching her.  Suddenly self-conscious about her red, swollen eyes and old Yale sweats and sweatshirt, she wrapped her arms around herself tightly.

"Oh hey, Logan.  What are you doing?" she asked politely.

"I'm just grabbing something for dinner.  What about you?  Red eyes, you've obviously been crying, and you're standing here looking at the ice cream case like it's your last friend in the world.  If I didn't know better I'd say you were wallowing," Logan said softly.  She could see the concern in his eyes.

"It's...complicated, I guess.  I might be wallowing a little bit," Rory whispered, trying desperately to avoid breaking down right there in the middle of the grocery store.

"Well, I do know that you're never supposed to wallow alone; having a sister taught me a few things about women.  Grab the rocky road and the mint chocolate chip and let's get out of here, Ace," Logan said sweetly.

"Oh, Logan.  That's so sweet of you, but you really don't have to.  I'll be fine," Rory croaked out, once again on the verge of tears.

"I know you better than that, Rory," Logan said sternly.  "I'm not taking no for an answer.  Grab the ice cream and we'll head to my place for movies.  You shouldn't be alone when you're this upset," Logan insisted.

Rory considered her options for a minute.  She really didn't want to sit at home alone yet again, and she needed a friend right now.  Logan had been supportive of her relationship with Finn since her birthday, so she didn't see any harm in taking him up on his offer.

She gave Logan a small smile and nodded gratefully.  "Alright, I guess it's a deal."

She grabbed both cartons of ice cream and followed Logan to the checkout, where he insisted on paying for her ice cream along with his dinner.  They walked the few short blocks back to Logan's apartment and she followed him up to the penthouse suite.

"Nice place," Rory said awkwardly as they walked in the door.

"Thanks.  I guess you hadn't seen my place in New York, had you?" he asked.

Rory shook her head.

"No, you got it after we..." Rory trailed off.

"Broke up," Logan finished for her.  "You know you can say it, Rory.  I've made peace with the situation now."

Rory relaxed and smiled at him.

"Thanks.  I just wasn't sure how you were doing with everything," she said softly.

"I'm fine, Rory, really.  Now, if you'll excuse me for a minute, I'm going to go change out of my suit and I'll be right back."

Logan sat his phone and keys down on the kitchen island next to Rory and walked down the hall, leaving her alone with her thoughts.  Just as she was about to put the ice cream in the freezer, his phone dinged with an incoming text.  Before she even realized what she was doing, she glanced at the screen and froze when she read the message.

Hey, Mate.  Colin and I are headed out for drinks at our favorite bar again tonight.  Might as well make it seven nights in a row  Want to join us? -F

She choked back the sudden onslaught of emotions that she felt - betrayal, anger, hurt.  She knew he'd been in the office late, but she had no idea he'd been going out with his friends every night instead of coming home to her.  He'd crawled into bed after she was asleep every night for the last week, and now she knew why.

Logan walked back into the kitchen a few minutes later and instantly noticed the change in her demeanor. 

"Hey, did something happen, Ace?  You look...well, you look like you're even more upset than when I left the kitchen."

She quickly schooled her features and willed herself not to cry.

"No, I'm fine.  I'm just going to use your restroom if you don't mind," she answered quietly.

Logan looked at her for a moment, trying to figure out what had happened, but finally nodded.

"Sure, it's the second door on the left.  I'll put on a movie."

She started to walk away, but turned back around to face him again.

"By the way, your phone went off while you were gone," she said sadly before she continued to walk toward the bathroom.

Logan watched her go and then turned his attention to his phone.  He unlocked it and quickly read the text from his best friend.  He fired off a quick response before slipping it back in his pocket.

I'm going to bow out tonight, man.  I have something else going on.  -L

Logan walked to his entertainment center and quickly located The Godfather, which he knew was one of Rory's favorite movies, and put it in the DVD player.  Rory walked back out of the restroom right as he turned around, and it was obvious that she'd been crying again.

Logan walked over to her and wrapped her in a tight hug.

"Hey, what's going on?" he whispered.

She sobbed for a minute before she composed herself enough to answer.

"I just...I don't want to talk about it right now, if that's okay," Rory said as she sniffled.

"Okay, that's fine," Logan agreed as he released her from his embrace.  "Movie and ice cream?" he asked.

"Can we add some alcohol into the equation?" she asked.

"Of course," Logan chuckled.  "Pick your poison."

"Tequila shots?"

"This is serious.  Tequila shots and ice cream coming up, Ace.  Have a seat and I'll be right back with our provisions."

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