Chapter 36

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Rory woke up Friday morning and was excited, and perhaps a bit nervous, to spend time with Finn's mom and sisters.  She loved his family, but she was still a bit gun shy after the great Huntzberger shanghai.  Still, she was determined to enjoy this day.  It was true that none of them needed to go black Friday shopping - they all had enough money to buy whatever they wanted at full price - but it was still fun to enjoy the craziness of the day.  Rory had always loved black Friday.

She kissed Finn and rolled out of bed, showering and dressing quickly.  She walked out of the bathroom to see Finn standing there with two cups of coffee in his hand.

"You are so good to me," she said gratefully as she took a cup of coffee and sipped it.  "And you make amazing coffee.  Seriously, Luke is the only other person who makes coffee this good."

"I think it's a requirement when living with Rory Gilmore," Finn chuckled.  "Are you excited about today?"

"Yeah, mostly.  I guess I'm just still a little nervous that they don't really like me," Rory admitted quietly.

"That's rubbish, love.  My mom and sisters adore you."

"You're right, and I really do love them too, Finn.  I'm just going to relax and enjoy the day.  What are you going to do while I'm gone?"

"I thought I might go to the gym and work out, and perhaps have lunch with my dad.  It's been a while since he and I have spent time together just the two of us."

"Well, I hope you have fun.  I'll miss you," Rory whispered.

"I'll miss you too," Finn replied right as the doorbell rang.

Finn and Rory walked to the door together and answered it to find his mom and sisters on the other side.

"Hey, guys!" Rory greeted them warmly.

"Hey, Rory.  You ready?" Eva asked.

"Yep, I just need to grab my purse.  One second."

Rory walked over to get her purse and smiled as Finn returned from the kitchen with a thermos of coffee.

"I thought you might need this today," he said sweetly.

"You know me too well," Rory chuckled.  "Alright, I'll see you later?"

"I'll be here by the time you get home.  I love you, Ror," Finn whispered.

"I love you, too," Rory replied happily.  She sighed in contentment as Finn pulled her close to him and kissed her tenderly.  He pulled away and she quickly moved back to kiss him again.  "Sorry, I couldn't help myself," she said as she blushed.

"Don't ever apologize for kissing me.  Have a great day."

"You too, baby.  I'll see you later," Rory said before joining the Morgan women and walking out the door.

"You two are so adorable," Annabelle swooned as they walked toward the elevator. 

"It just comes naturally with Finn," Rory replied shyly.  "He's just so....I don't know.  Real, sweet, romantic, caring.  He's amazing."

"Well, I for one am glad that he found you.  You two are good for each other," Amelia added.  "So, where to first, ladies?"

"Fifth Avenue!" Eva squealed, and everyone else nodded their agreement.

*                *                *       

"Son, I must say I'm a bit surprised to see you today, given that we just had dinner last night," Finnegan said as he sat down across the table from his son for lunch.

"Well, it's been a bit since we've had the opportunity to have lunch just the two of us, so I thought it would be nice to do while the girls are all out shopping."

They paused in their conversation to order their drinks and meals and then Finnegan picked right back up where they were.

"Have you heard from the girls today?" Finnegan asked.

"Yeah, Rory's sent me a few texts, and I've seen the pictures they've posted on Facebook.  Mom and the girls have dubbed her an honorary Morgan," Finn chuckled.

"Honorary, eh?  That wouldn't have anything to do with why you wanted to have lunch, would it?" Finegan asked slyly.  Finn cleared his throat and smiled at his dad.

"It does, actually.  I'm not going to propose today or anything, but I want to make that woman my wife."

"Your mom and I couldn't possibly be happier about welcoming her to the family at some point in the future," Finnegan replied proudly.  "She's a fine young woman; seeing the two of you reminds me of your mom and I when we were young."

"I know it sounds crazy.  We've only been together for about three months, but I just...I know it's right."

"You don't have to convince me, son.  Your mom and I were together less than six months before we got married, and I think that's turned out splendidly."

"So you guys are really behind me on this?" Finn asked.

Finnegan reached in his pocket and took out a box before sliding it across the table toward Finn.

"We're really behind you on this, Finn.  We couldn't be happier for you two, and we have no doubt that you have what it takes to make it.  Your mom knew it the day she met Rory."

"Wow," Finn whispered. 

"So, have you decided how you'd like to propose?"  Finnegan asked.

"No, not yet.  It won't be immediately or anything; I just want to be prepared when the time is right.  I know that it needs to be special, and it needs to be private," Finn replied as he opened the box and looked at the rings inside.  He smiled as he saw them.

"I think your grandma's rings will suit Rory perfectly."

"I think you're right, Dad.  They're perfect for her - beautiful but not gaudy."

"Well, just let me know if there's anything that I can do to help you prepare for the proposal, and let us know when you decide to do it.  Your mom will be over-the-moon when she hears that you have the rings and are planning something."

"I'll keep you in the loop.  Make sure she doesn't spill the news, though," Finn chuckled.  "She's never been the best with secrets."

"I'll see to it that your surprise is kept as such," Finnegan replied as their meals were delivered to the table.

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