Chapter 41

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Finn raked his hand through his hair and closed his eyes.  His mind was working overtime thinking about his upcoming plans.  It had been a few weeks since his and Rory's reconciliation, and things were better than ever.  They seemed to have worked through her abandonment issues and his old fears and misgivings that remained after losing a child he'd never gotten to know.  As crazy as it sounds, he was actually grateful for that week.  It had been hell, but they'd come out much stronger than before. 

He'd sat down and had a man-to-man talk with Logan, thanking him for taking care of Rory and apologizing for putting him in an awkward situation.  Finn considered himself damn lucky that Logan was such a good man; most men wouldn't have hesitated to take advantage of the situation.  It killed him to think that he'd almost lost Rory over what essentially boiled down to a lack of communication.  He wouldn't make that mistake again.

Now he was going over last-minute preparations in his head while Rory napped on the flight.  He just hoped that everything fell into place and Rory didn't catch on before he was ready to reveal his hand.  It was December 26th.  They'd just celebrated Christmas with Rory's family and they were now headed to Australia for a week of relaxation and to see Finn's family. 

Finn ran his fingers through Rory's hair and kissed her gently.  She had been sleeping with her head in his lap.

"Love?  We'll be landing in a few minutes, so you need to wake up," Finn said softly.

Rory began to stir and stretched her sleepy body.

"We're already landing?" she asked sleepily.

"We are.  Did you sleep well?" Finn asked.

"I did.  I didn't realize just how exhausted I was," Rory replied as she sat up.  "I'm so excited to be back in Australia; I think it's my absolute favorite place in the world.  Those two weeks we spent here were magical."

"That they were, Kitten.  Are you sure that you're okay with us just relaxing and spending a quiet week at home while we're here?"

"I'm positive, Finn.  Your Aussie friends are amazing, but we've both been working such long hours.  We need a break without any responsibilities," Rory confirmed.

"I couldn't agree more," Finn said quietly as the plane touched down.

Finnegan and Amelia were waiting for them when they disembarked the plane and welcomed them both with open arms.

"Rory, Finn!  It's so good to see you two.  Merry Christmas!" Amelia exclaimed as she hugged them both.

"It's good to be here.  Merry Christmas," Rory replied happily.

"How was your flight?" asked Finnegan.

"It was fine - someone slept almost the entire way," Finn said pointing to Rory.

"Hey, I was tired!" Rory defended. 

"I'm just giving you a hard time, Love," Finn chuckled.

"Well, let's load everything up and get you two home so you can relax.  We'll see you tomorrow for lunch," Finnegan returned.

They loaded their luggage and all climbed into the car for the short flight to Finn's beach house.  Rory and Finn bid the elder Morgans goodbye and collapsed onto the couch the moment they walked in the door.

"I absolutely love this place," Rory sighed happily.

"You know that we could spend part of the year here, Love?" Finn asked.

Rory's eyes snapped up.  "You're serious?"

"Of course.  There's no reason we couldn't both work from the Sydney office for a few months of the year.  Technology would still allow you to manage the new magazine and your staff from here," Finn assured her.

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