Chapter 8

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A/N: I'm not big on author's notes, but I want your input!  Do you feel like things are going at a reasonable pace?  I'm still trying to decide how long it should be until they are intimate with each other.  There's still drama and trouble coming up; this won't be all sunshine and rainbows, but it will have a happy ending.  I detest continual drama with no resolution for the main characters.  Leave a comment or review with your thoughts on the two questions above, as well as any suggestions for things you'd like to see in the story.  Thank you for being the best readers ever!

Rory sighed as Wednesday's campaign rally ended.  She had taken endless notes and was still sitting in her chair staring off in space when she felt two strong hands begin to massage her shoulders.

"You look tired and tense, kitten."

"God, I really am.  Sixteen months of this, Finn.  Is it November yet?"

"Only two more months to go, love.  We'll get through it together," Finn assured her.

"We'll get through it together?  I like the sound of that, Mr. Morgan," Rory purred as she relax into his touch.

"Need to finish your article?"

"Yes.  I'm so sorry.  It may take me an hour or so to finish up before I can hang out."

"You'll never have to apologize to me about having to do your job.  Are you finished in here?"

"Yeah, I can head back to my room to write," Rory answered as she stood up and picked up her messenger bag that held her laptop, notepads, and recorder.

"First," Finn started as he took her bag from her and put it over his shoulder, "let me carry your bag.  Now, how about we run to your room and grab whatever you'll need for the night and you can come to my room and write?  I'll let you work in peace and order room service.  We can have dinner in and then crawl in bed and watch television together and relax.  You need it."

"God, you really are good at this boyfriend thing.  That would be amazing," Rory said with a smile.

"Then off we go, Miss Gilmore!" Finn said with a wink as he took Rory's hand and set off toward the elevator.  Finn pulled Rory into his arms, hugging her close, as they waited for the elevators, and he relished in feeling her slowly relax into his body.  He lightly rubbed circles on her back as she leaned into him with her head resting on his chest and her arms around his neck.

"Not to sound crazy, Finn, because I know you've been my boyfriend for all of 24 hours, but this is really nice," Rory mumbled into his chest.

"You don't sound crazy at all, kitten.  This is really nice," Finn whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

They slowly separated enough to get on the elevator, neither one wanting to break contact with the other anymore than necessary.  When they arrived at Rory's floor and walked to her door, she opened the door and flopped down on the bed.

"Just give me two minutes to lay here and then I'll change clothes and grab a couple of things for tonight," Rory said with a sigh.

"Take your time, kitten.  I've got all night for you," Finn replied as he laid down next to her and pulled her into his arms, laying her head on his chest.

"You're totally not helping me get out of bed more quickly," Rory said with a laugh.

"I'm quite certain that's not one of those perks of dating me, kitten.  I happen to like being in bed," Finn said with a suggestive wink.

"There's the Finn I remember from college!" Rory chuckled.  "I'd been wondering where he was hiding."

"I'm still right here.  I may be more mature and responsible, but I'm still me, love."

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