Wedding | Viktuuri

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First one shot! Also, check out the video up. It's the inspiration!)

"It's a beautiful night.

We're looking for something dumb to do.

Hey baby,

I think I wanna marry you."


"Calm down, Yuuri! You look just fine, okay? There's nothing to worry about, you'll do great!" Phichit assured him, chuckling. The male was dressed in a black tuxedo with a silver pin on the side, being the best man. He was patting Yuuri's back, smiling.

This only made the ravenette panic harder. He was walking around the room, pacing back and forth. His hair was slicked back, and he was wearing a white tuxedo with blue diamonds decorating the front, delicately sewn into place.

"B-But what if I trip down the aisle? What if I forget my vows? O-Or worse, WHAT IF I DROP THE RING?!" Yuuri panicked, his eyes wide.

Phichit shook his head, amused at his panicked state. "You won't do anything like that, Yuuri. And even if you do, I'm sure it's only going to make Viktor fall in love with you even more." He gave his best friend a close eyed smile, fixing Yuuri's cerulean blue tie. He smoothened out the creases of his tuxedo and faced him.

"Yuuri." He chuckled."Do you really want to be all nervous and jittery on your wedding day?" Phichit asked.

Yuuri looked around the room. The room's dominant color were white and blue. Over in the corner was another tuxedo that was identical to Yuuri's. Being the overthinker that he was, Yuuri had two prepared just in case.

Under the tuxedo were his white skates, for they had planned to do a pair skate after the wedding. His gaze was locked on them.

It finally dawned on him. From being at the lowest point of his career to being married to his idol AND man he loved the most, he realized how far he'd actually gotten in his life. Two and a half years ago, if someone had told him that he would be getting married to the living legend Viktor Nikiforov, his idol and favorite skater, then he would have thought they were insane.

At first he was only seeing Viktor from the screen of his television. He was only seeing Viktor from the bleachers of the arena. But now, he could be with him whenever he wanted. He could talk to him whenever he wanted.

He could kiss him whenever he wanted.

He could do everything with him. Whenever he wanted.

A small smile made it's way to Yuuri's lips. "Yeah." He laughed. "I'm... I'm getting married." He said, tears forming in his eyes. He cupped his mouth at the sudden realization, tears streaming down his face as he quietly sobbed. "Oh god.. this is real. I'm getting married..." He choked out, but he had a smile on his lips.

Phichit's lips formed a gentle smirk. "There's that smile." He said softly to his best friend. He dabbed Yuuri's tears away with a handkerchief and grinned. "Now let's go, okay?" He chuckled, pulling Yuuri out of the room.

Yuuri obliged, laughing along with him. He took one last look at the glinting silver skates under the mannequin, smiled, then left.

When they reached the church, there were lots of guests at the front posing for pictures. The media were all over the place, blue and pink roses decorated the church. Yuuri recognized Sara and Mickey having their picture taken outside the church. He saw Yurio dressed in a formal black tuxedo, and he was talking with Otabek. His eyes were sparkling, as his hair was neatly set into place. Yuuri chuckled. He knew that Yurio felt something for Otabek; it was very noticable actually.

Phichit opened the car door, and sent Yuuri a smile. "I'll see you later, Yuuri. Don't be nervous, okay? Bye!" He said and closed the door. Yuuri sent back a wave and sighed.

He looked down at the car's floor. This was it. He was finally getting married. Was he ready to face the challenges that would encounter after this? Probably not.

But somehow, he was ready for whatever was going to happen next.

People started to gather in line at the entrance of the church. Bridesmaids and groomsmen were standing apart from each other, with Minako as the Maid Of Honor. Seeing her in a blue cocktail dress again reminded Yuuri of when she used to do ballet and travel all over the world to win competitions.
Phichit was talking to one of the event organizers, probably to ask if everything was already set. The three junior bridesmaids, the Nishigori triplets were also dressed in pastel purple gowns, each were holding a basket of flower petals. Even Makkachin was there, also dressed in a doggie outfit that resembled Viktor's Stammi Vicino costume.

The music began to start.

Minako and Phichit walked down the aisle first, waving at the cameramen.

Yurio walked down the aisle, with Otabek beside him, simply because he couldn't be bothered to have a bridesmaid beside him as he walked. Yuuri snickered. As expected of Yurio.

More people walked down the aisle, and Yuuri had a big smile on his face the whole time. The church door closed. It was time. An employee opened the car door, and Yuuri stepped out. His mother and father were outside, waiting for him. His mom smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "My baby boy's all grown now... and to think you were such a small child back then..." Yuuri chuckled. "I'm still your little boy, mom. Don't worry." He smiled.

His father placed a hand on his shoulder. "Congratulations, my boy. You made it." He said, chuckling. He enveloped Yuuri in a hug, and he hugged back. "Thanks, dad."

Both of his parents stood along side of him outside the church doors.

The doors opened, and suddenly...

A slowed down version of his Free Skate, Yuri On Ice, began to play.

The guests were all looking at him, smiles on their faces. Even Yurio had a small grin on his lips.

But what shocked Yuuri more was him.


He was at the altar, dressed in a white tuxedo as well. He had a purple tie on, his hair was falling in front of his cyan eyes that were sparkling. Viktor's eyes were widened and glossy with tears. Yuuri's breath hitched.

Yuuri began walking down the aisle, as the piano filled the church. Every step he took felt like forever. His eyes were still locked onto Viktor.

Soon as the song faded and began playing in the background, Yuuri reached the altar. Viktor stepped down and thanked his parents before looking at Yuuri. He leaned over to whisper in his ear. "You look amazing, Yuuri." He smiled.

Yuuri smiled back, his cheeks red. "You too, Vitya." He said softly. Viktor's cheeks burned as he smiled widely, extending his arm towards Yuuri who accepted it.

They walked up to the front of the altar, where the priest began to speak.

"Dearly beloved, we are all gathered here today to celebrate the unconditional love of Viktor Nikiforov, and Yuuri Katsuki..."

Yuuri smiled, looking at Viktor beside him.

'He's never failed to surprise me.'

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