y o u ' r e b e a u t i f u l

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Little tip: Everything starts at the Birthday OneShot, but this is the official introduction chapter for the Halloween Specials.

Time to get spooky, people.


You're Beautiful | Part 1

"Huh?" Viktor murmured, looking at the front of his mailbox. There was a small rectangular parcel inside, wrapped with a dark blue wrapper, and adorned with a satin ribbon. If he recalled correctly, his birthday had already passed, so who would give him a present now? Christmas was still months away after all, and all of his fanmail gets sent directly to his media manager, so this was a little strange. Especially that they had his private home address.

He took the parcel out of the mailbox, looking around to see if anybody was watching. He tore the wrapper, only to find a small red book, with 'You're beautiful' printed in golden ink on the leather cover. A red tint came across his cheeks, and he held back a smile. Yuuri never failed to make him happy, even with simple things like these. Before he explored the contents of the book, however, he decided to go inside his house. He put his coat on the coat hanger, taking off his shoes as the lights in the house automatically turned on— honestly, what did you expect— and the air conditioner began humming. He sat on the couch, putting on some music on the stereo so the house wouldn't feel so silent.

Upbeat music played from the speakers in a low volume, and Viktor quietly sang the lyrics as he took out the book again. He gently touched the golden letters on the leather cover, and he smiled. He opened the book, the pages beautified by a swirled decorative pattern. The first page showed a candid picture of him at the Golden Skate Awards from last year. He was smiling, wearing a his red dress shirt and a black tie. He had a plate of red velvet cake resting in his hand. The shot was beautiful, and it showed genuine happiness in his expression.

He flipped to the next page, which had another candid shot of him. This time, it was at the Winter Olympics, and he was dressed in a skating outfit so this was a while ago. He chuckled at the look of the fans in the background, and his heart warmed to see him look so happy. He was back on the eyes, but these days of his career was the most heartwarming points of his life. This was one of the most heartwarming gifts he had received, and it wasn't even his birthday.

He turned the page again. There were more candid photos of him in several skating ceremonies, awardings, or press conferences. Some of them were even private events, but he was sure that the press had somehow snuck a photo in. He had a good chuckle out of the photos, especially when his friends were in some of the shots since they were blurred out a little, which he simply thought because they weren't photogenic. He got to the very last page, and he turned it. Suddenly, his smile dropped. There was another candid shot of him, yes. But this time, he wasn't in an event or a special occasion.

He was in his bedroom.

His personal, home bedroom. It was a picture of him sleeping on his kingsized bed, and from the quality of the photo, it was already night outside. The shot was taken from the angle of the dresser, which was right beside his bed. Viktor's heart began to race. Nobody, absolutely nobody knew where his home address was. People usually spoke with him in his apartment in the city, not his actual home in the quiet part of the city. His address was never leaked online, there was never any evidence or any clues leading to his location. Besides, why would people want to know where he lived? His fans already knew enough about him, and this place was the only privacy he could get. The only people who knew his address was his manager, Yuuri, and Yurio. And he found it very, very strange that they would do something as revolting as this.

The eeriness of the photo only grew by the second. And that's where he saw the red print under it.

'And you've always belonged to me.'

Viktor dropped the book, standing up and cupping his mouth. He had a stalker. His heart raced. He's had stalkers before, but they never had the ability to follow him into his own private house and photograph him sleeping— one of the most vulnerable states a person can be in! And upon viewing closer inspection of the picture, he can barely make out the painting that hung above his bed. He only bought that painting two weeks ago.

The only three people who knew where he lived were his only leads, and as much as he hated suspecting them, it had to be done. He quickly grabbed his phone, dialling Yuuri's number. He bit his lip, beads of sweat forming on the sides of his temples.

Yuuri picked up on the third ring. "Hello? Viktor?" His adorable voice sounded through his phone's speaker, and he smiled at the sound of it, feeling a little bit comforted. "Hello, Yuuri. Forgive me for calling when you're supposed to be resting, but I have a question to ask, uh.. did you send a parcel here to my house earlier today?" He asked, trying to seem as casual as possible.

There was a pause on the other line, as well as some rustling. "Eh? No I didn't. W-Wait, was I supposed to?! Was there an occasion I wasn't informed about?!" He asked in a panic. Viktor chuckled. "No, Yuuri. You're fine." He said. "Why do you ask?" Yuuri said.

"Somebody sent me a gift earlier. And it didn't look like it was from any of my fans, since it was sent to my home address. The only people who know where my address is, is y—" He paused.

If Yuuri was involved in this... if he was somehow stalking him and photographing him while he was sleeping.. then he better not say anything.

"...it's a private address that was never leaked to the media." He muttered almost reluctantly. "Oh. That's.. strange. How did that get there?" Yuuri asked him. Viktor couldn't hear what emotion was in his voice.

That's it. He hated this. Suspecting Yuuri was one of the worst things he could ever have done.

"It's probably nothing. I'm sorry for calling, I'll see you tomorrow." Viktor said into the phone. "O-Okay..."

"I love you." Viktor said, his lips curling up into a small smile when he mentioned those words. "I love you too." Yuuri answered with no hesitation.

Viktor said his goodbyes before he locked his phone once again. He sighed, picking up the book. This was obviously a criminal manner, somebody had broken into his house. Which.. also meant that they had the key to his home. In matters like these, it was best not to involve Yuuri in anything. If this person was obsessed with him, then he couldn't risk Yuuri getting hurt.

And he really doubted Yurio would do something like this either.

His manager was the one who recommended this house to him, but she hasn't visited it before. Maybe installing some security cameras would be a good suggestion, but for now..

We'll have to wait and see.

He's Mine | Viktuuri/Otayuri Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now