A Week With Yurio | Part 5: I'll See You | Otayuri

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A Week With Yurio | Part 5: I'll See You | Otayuri


It was a sad day. For Yurio, anyways. Otabek was returning to Kazakhstan today, and he was not excited about it. For the whole morning, he was showing signs, especially in his actions that he didn't want Otabek to leave. Those actions, being, spilling coffee on him to hopefully make him stay to wash his shirt, hiding his luggage, throwing his shoes in the pool, anything to make him stay at home.

Otabek sighed as he fished his shoes out of the water. "I know what you're trying to do, Yurio..." He said, grunting as he tried not to fall in. Yurio huffed, crossing his arms. "What? I just like fucking with you, that's it." He said, trying not to look obvious. Otabek emptied the water from the inside and stared at him in disbelief. "Really? Because it's really starting to look like you just don't want me to leave." He said, smiling. "It's adorable, but I only have so many pairs of shoes, Yura." He chuckled. Yurio kept his expression, then it dropped.

"Do you really have to leave now?" He muttered. Otabek nodded. "Yeah, I do... I'll be back next month, I promise." He smiled, his chocolate brown eyes looking like warm pools of comfort. Yurio couldn't respond for a bit, but then he furrowed his eyebrows. "Can't you just... stay for another week?" He said, a sad tone in his voice. Otabek placed his shoes on the floor and went over to him, cupping his cheeks. "It'll only be for a while. I'll be back." He smiled, kissing his forehead. Yurio gripped on his wrists tightly, unable to stop the pain that was rushing in his veins. It was always like this when Otabek left.

Yurio hopped off from the table and began walking back inside. "Fine. You can go." He said, opening the door and disappearing inside the large apartment. Otabek frowned. He sighed, looking down at his watch. His flight was in twenty minutes.

He hurriedly went back inside as well, to finish packing, as the sun was quickly rising above the horizon, and time was flying by quickly.

Yurio sat in the living room, looking as depressed as ever as he pulled the blankets closer to his small frame. "Leaving me here... tsk." He murmured, sipping his hot cocoa.

"Awh, is poor little Yurio sulking about Otabek leaving?" Viktor smirked, leaning by the doorway. Yurio's head shot up, and he glared at the platinum haired man. "Fuck off." He hissed. Viktor chuckled, then his expression became dead serious. "That's what you get for doing that prank, brat." He spat. Yurio mocked his words. "Shut up. You're enjoying all the attention, aren't you?"

Yuuri stepped in the room, smiling. "Well.. that was a little too much, Yurio. We thought you actually died." He smiled a little, but he wasn't happy at all. Yurio shrugged. "It was fun." Viktor sighed. "We're serious, Yurio. Don't do things like that again." He said.

Yurio rolled his eyes. "Fine." He said.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Uh.. hey, Yura..." Otabek said, stepping inside from the door. He already had his black suitcase by his side. Yurio's eyes trailed down to his luggage, and he immediately averted his gaze. "You're about to leave?" He said quietly.

Otabek was heavily intimidated of the two in the room, staring daggers at him so he took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure. "Yes..."

Yurio shooed him off. "Go, then." He said and went back to his phone. "Yura..." Otabek sighed and sat beside him. "I'll see you again, okay? No need to be so gloomy about it.." He was about to kiss his hair but the two beside him stood like angry madmen about to crucify him, so he backed away.

Yurio nodded. "I... understand. But you better come back quickly! Or I'll come to Kazakhstan myself and drag you here!" He said, sitting up. "Okay." Otabek chuckled, patting his head instead. Yurio hugged his torso and he tensed when Viktor grabbed his shoulder. Hard.

"Well, it's been lovely having you here, but your flight's about to leave. Better catch it." He smiled sweetly, but his death grip on Otabek's shoulder was so intense, he thought he'd be returning to Kazakhstan with one arm. Otabek nodded frantically, pulling away from Otabek as he went to the door. "Bye, Yura!" He smiled as he opened the door.

Yurio bit his lip. "Bye... Beka." He muttered.

And with that, Yurio's one week of happiness was over.

(Hope you guys liked this mini series! Will be going back to requests after. <3)

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