Mother's Day | Viktuuri ft. Yurio

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"I still don't understand why I have to--"


"This is stupi--"


Yurio grumbled as he clenched the blue roses in his palm. This was so dumb. Why did he even agree to get dragged by Viktor here? Never in a hundred years would he have thought that he'd be celebrating mother's day again, but here he was. He shifted on the floor, grunting. He picked at the small broken nubs from the thorns. He traced the petals with his finger. They were soft and neatly placed in their places, also extremely delicate. Like one wrong move and they could rip in his hold. Fascinated, his gaze turned to the roses instead of his phone which he was focused on earlier.

Viktor was holding a large box of chocolates and a huge teddy bear in his hand. His eyes were sparkling and his hair was a little bit messy. His usually pale cheeks were also flushed in a light pink shade. He looked like a highschool kid waiting to ask their crush to prom. He had a stupid grin on his face, eyes locked onto the door handle and waiting for it to twist. Yuuri had always been the podium family's mom, always there to support the both of them, having their backs and always caring for them.

Even inbtimes during practice, one of Yurio's blades had been rough on the ice and he couldn't skate with them. Yuuri had brought along spare blades because 'Just in case.' When in reality, he noticed that the blades were about to give in before they even left the house, and so he brought the blades with him. He didn't mention anything to Yurio because he knew that he'd get flipped off, so he just kept quiet and provided for him when he needed it most.

And in drastic moments where Viktor was four performances away from his and his costume had torn a little at the sides when ir was caught in a sharp hook from the mannequin. Yuuri was the first to rush to wardrobe, even after he was tired from his own performance, he told Viktor to go relax his body and warm up while he quickly sewed up the predicament. Viktor almost shed tears of gratitude and happiness, because of the fact that (A), Yuuri could sew and (B), too much merveling over his delicate handiwork.

Yuuri also had this little trait of his. He would always bring two or three bandages in his bag or pocket. Wherever Yuuri went, he'd bring along several bandages. Got a scratch? Ask Yuuri and he'll hook you up with a band aid. Got a paper cut? You can rely on Yuuri for cutesy little band aids you can wrap around your finger without looking embarrassing. Even Yurio was forced to ask for one when he got a small cut from a sharp edge of the ice he was skating on. (He was practicing his slide for Welcome to The Madness and Yuuri wasn't allowed to question how he got tie cut.)

Suddenly, the door opened. Viktor held his breath, watching the silver knob twist and the hinges creating small squeaks. "Viktor? Is anyone home?" Yuuri's voice called out. He poked his snowy head in, wool hat decorated with sprinkles of snow, snowy particles on his blue scarf, and freezing ice on the tip of his gloves. "Seems like they're sleeping... I shouldn't disturb them." Yuuri mumbled to himself, talking off his snow covered shoes.

Viktor pressed the button on the remote. A serene sound filled the living room, the bass speakers bouncing on the walls. A faded blue light appeared and surrounded the place. A voice suddenly sang.

'Can you hear...
My heartbeat?
Tired of feeling,
Never enough..'

Yuuri yelped in surprise, almost dropping his backpack. "H-huh?!"


"There'll be no more darkness when you believe in yourself you're unstoppable.." Viktor sang, walking up to Yuuri with a smile on his face.

Yurio grumbled. "Where your destiny lies... dancing on the blades you set my heart on fire...." He sang. Despite being constantly grumpy and irritable, the 16 year old actually had a pleasent melodic voice.

Yuuri's eyes widened, caught in surprise. Was Yurio singing? Or is this just some illusion? "V-Viktor.... what is this?" He asked the russian. Viktor smiled, handing over the box of chocolates and the bear. "This is for you, Yuuri. Happy Mother's Day." He said, the music playing in the background.

Yuuri choked up, taking the gifts. "Viktor, I..." He smiled, wiping away stray tears.

"Oy, pig." Yurio muttered, shoving the roses and a small box in his hands. Yuuri took the gifts, chuckling. "I can't believe you agreed to this, Yurio." He said. Yurio scoffed. "He's paying me."

Yuuri only laughed. A warm feeling wrapped around Viktor's heart.

"Go on, open it." Viktor smiled.

Yuuri nodded. "Okay..." He opened the small box, and what was inside made him shed more tears.

Band aids.

Lots and lots of band aids.

All in different shades and colours, neon, pastel, even tiger and leopard prints. (Probably from Yurio.)

Yuuri's tears kept falling down his face.

"Th... Thank you. Both of you."



happy mother's day ya'll 💕

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