Injury | Viktuuri

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"Skater Katsuki is down! I repeat, Skater Katsuki has fallen on the ice, and it seems like he's injured himself!"

I can't breath.

That was my first thought.

People were crowding around me.

I can't breath.

Where's Viktor?


"Yuuri!" A male voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

Suddenly, I became aware of the overwhelming pain that was coming directly from my ankle. I tried to move, but I couldn't. It was like my whole body had refused to stand up. To get off the ice. My eyes were dilated, staring into the distance.

My ears were ringing.

A strong pair of arms suddenly lifted me off of the cold surface, cradling me in their embrace.

That's when I saw him.

His ashy, gray hair and beautiful turquoise eyes. Although there was something wrong. They were filled with worry. Why?

"Yuuri! Say something! Can you hear me?! Yuuri!" His voice, which I remembered used to sound beautiful and mellodic, now sounded distorted and fuzzy.

My heart was pounding.

Where am I? What am I doing here?

I can't breath.

People began hovering above me, and I felt myself being lifted up. My eyesight started to fade.



I saw his eyes began to close, so I yelled out his name even louder. "YUURI!" I yelled.

"Wake up..." I began to whisper hoearsely, cradling him in my arms. I began to rock back and forth, pulling him close to me.

"Mr. Nikiforov, we need to take him to the hospital." A voice said beside me.

I turned to the man with tearful eyes. "Help him. Please, do everything you can to help him!" I said.

He nodded. "We're going to do our best, Mr. Nikiforov." He said, and they began to pull Yuuri out of my arms.

I was left standing on the ice, thousands of people staring at me from the bleachers. My tears were crashing down the surface.

I could see my reflection, a crying mess. This was what I would be without Yuuri beside me. This is what I was years ago.

And now, I'm back here again.

Hearing the deafening yells of the crowd.

Except I wasn't wearing a gold medal.

I wasn't wearing my costume, that used to bring me so much awards.

Instead, I'm on the ice.

Beaten, alone, and broken.

I needed to get to Yuuri.

"NIKIFOROV!" A voice yelled.

I looked up and saw Yurio, tears in his eyes. He had an angry expression on his face, but at the same time a concerned one. The Kazakhstan figure skater was beside him, also looking concerned.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STILL DOING ON THE ICE?! GO TO YOUR DAMNED BOYFRIEND AND BE THERE FOR HIM!" He yelled at me, tears now rolling down his face. Otabek pat his head, trying to calm him down. 

As soon as his words crossed my mind, I pulled myself off the ice and rushed to the side of the arena.

I have to be there for him.

I broke out into a sprint towards the ambulance, as I saw them carry Yuuri's comatose body inside with the stretcher.

"YUURI!" I yelled.

"Mr. Nikiforov--"

"No! Let me go with him!" I struggled against the man's attempts to hold me back. "I need to be with him!"

"I'm terribly sorry Sir, but he's in a condition where he can't be disturbed. You can see him later, when he's stable."

"LET ME GO! HE NEEDS ME IN THERE!" I yelled. Some people around me gasped. It was the first time I had shouted at someone like that since... ever.

I pushed my way through, desperate to see him again. And there he was.

Skin pale, an oxygen mask strapped to his face, and nurses crowding around him. "Yuuri, hold on,love.." I whispered, grasping his hand.

His eyes fluttered open. At first they were confused, but then they widened in panic.

"Viktor-!" I heard his muffled voice come from the oxygen mask.

"Shh.. shh.. you're okay. Calm down." I said, hoping to soothe him. Eventually, he calmed down as nurses helped him sit up.

"I... think it's best if you stay with him, Mr. Nikiforov." The man from earlier whispered.

"I wasn't leaving him either way." I said sternly, not looking at him.

"Viktor.." I heard him say. His voice was shaky, and full of fear. I could definitely hear the pure terror in his voice.

He had failed his Free Skate, while attempting to do another quadruple flip. From what I saw... he had injured his ankle.

"It's okay, Yuuri. You don't have to worry about anything. Just rest your head.." I said.

"V-Viktor, what about the Free Skate? I lost, didn't I?" He said, his voice cracking as tears began rolling down his cheeks. "Yuuri.."

He buried his face in his hands, crying and sobbing. His entire body was shaking. I could tell... he was devastated.

He always looked so beautiful when he cried.

I could see how damaged he was, how his voice shook through his muffled sobs. He looked so fragile, so untouchable, like one gust of wind could flow by and he would break.

Before all of this, I've always wondered how much it would take to break a figure skater's heart. I had broken Yuuri's heart, and it was I regretted but at the same time I was grateful for. I had learned so much about Yuuri when that happened, and it was something I could never forget.

"Yuuri.. no.." I said calmly, taking him in a warm embrace. He immediately responded, hugging me tightly. With each sob, I could hear his hug tighten.

"I-I knew things were going too smoothly.. I knew I would fail in some bway some how... Viktor... what do I do..?" He whispered.

I pulled away and stared into his warm brown eyes that were filled with tears. I wiped his tears away with my thumb and kissed his forehead.

"Everything's going to be alright, Yuuri."

(update on this: this is a fetus chapter and i am ashamed of it. carry on.)

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