A Week With Yurio | Part 2: Poof | Otayuri

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A Week With Yurio | Part 2 | Poof


"Viktor's going to kill you..." Otabek muttered as he poured in the flour carefully. He shook the blow drier back and forth. Clouds of flour floated around the cramped bathroom as Yurio struggled to keep his balance on a stool. "He'll.... get... over... it!" He said through clenched teeth as he set up the camera properly. He leaped off the stool when he was done. "Okay. So make sure to take away all the towels and tape off off all the water systems so that he can't wash off his hair. I've already locked the rooms." He smirked.

Otabek chuckled. "This is a voluntary suicide." He said, setting the drier back where he got it so that it wasn't suspicious. He shut the drawer and backed away, hitting his palms together to rid of excess flour. "All done." He said, rubbing his hands on his shirt.

Yurio chuckled. "You know there's a towel beside you, right?" He said. Otabek glanced to his left and indeed, there was a fluffy blue towel hanging by the sink. Otabek shrugged. "Eh. It'd leave more evidence." He said. Otabek went towards him. "So what time does Viktor come home?" He asked lowly, his voice dropping in tone.

Yurio leaned by the sink. He glanced at the clock on his phone. "Around 10:30. Why?" He asked, his large green eyes sparkling despite it being under the bathroom light. Otabek looked at his watch. 10:20. That's just enough time. He chuckled. "Nothing, I was just curious..." He said murmured, his hand running up Yurio's shoulder, just slightly under his sleeve. Yurio's cheeks heated and his face turned red. "Wh- what are you..." He whispered. Yurio's hand gripped Otabek's forearm, his heart pounding when he stepped closer.

Deep down, he knew exactly what Otabek was doing. His back arched against the shiny marble sink, his dainty fingers gripping the edge. Otabek leaned closer, his hot breath hovering over Yurio's nose. His lips gently grazed his, and Yurio gripped his arm even tighter. "B-Beka..." He stammered out. Yurio's body pressed against the Kazahk's, as Otabek's lips finally landed on his.

Otabek grabbed him by the waist, setting him up on the sink and running his hand through Yurio's blonde locks. Yurio's slender legs wrapped around Otabek's torso, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. His cheeks were extremely red, and his heart was pounding a mile a minute. After a few minutes of making out, Otabek pulled away from him. "I love you..." He whispered.

Yurio smiled, cupping his face with his small hands. "I love you too..." Then he leaped off the sink. "But Nikiforov's about to get home, so let's hurry up and hide!" He said, pointing at the clock which read 10:29. He ran out the room, leaving a very flustered Otabek. "Yura!" He whined, running after the blonde skater.

A few minutes later...

Viktor arrived home from practice, taking off his shoes by the door. He was humming In Regards To Love: Eros, Yuuri's theme. Viktor smiled to himself. He thanked every god that existed that he chose that song for him. He should choose more pieces like that.

Viktor left his bag on the couch, ruffling his hair a little. "Yurioooo. I'm home." He called out, taking off his shirt. If there were females in that room, they'd probably be missing their underwear. His abs and muscles were on full display, and the lights from the room looked like it was installed just to enhance the structure of his chiseled arms and biceps. He took
off his other clothes in the bathroom after closing it.

He was meeting up with Yuuri after practice to have dinner, since Yuuri had been away for a week. He was coming home later, and they had plans to have a date in one of the famous french restaurants in their area, Shino's. (if anybody gets that reference i LOve you)

Viktor stepped in the bathtub, turning on the shower. The water dripped down his skin, and his platinum hair. As he lathered on the soap and shampoo, he thought of Yuuri. What would happen if he was here with him right no-

Okay, no more dirty thoughts. He finished up his shower after a few minutes, then suddenly heard a bump outside, followed by an "Ow!!" Viktor pulled back the shower curtain, raising an eyebrow. "Yurio?" He called out. Silence. He shrugged, going back to finishing his shower.

He stepped out, wrapping his torso with a fluffy blue towel. He went to the sink, rubbing on some lotion and about a billion more body products. When he began to smell like a walking Bath and Body Works shop, he opened the drawer and took out his hair dryer.

Without any idea of the fate he was about to endure, he stuck the cord into the outlet. He pointed it to his face.

And pressed the button.

Instantly, a cloud of white flour bursted from the dryer, covering his perfectly washed hair and his face. Viktor coughed out a white cloud of flour as he threw the dryer back in the sink. He had his eyes shut tightly and he began to cough. "A-ack- YURIO!" He yelled, banging his fist on the sink. His face was pretty hilarious, he looked like a clown that had his face dumped in a bunch of powdered donuts.

He ran to the shower and tried turning it on, but it was off. He ran to the sink and tried that as well, but something was blocking it. So, he had no choice as he opened the door.


Yurio stood there, holding his phone with the camera pointed towards him. The cheeky little shit had a childish grin on his lips as flour dropped onto the tiles. Viktor had the most pissed off look on earth.

"Viktor, you're so old, you're literally turning to ash."

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