Blue Diamond | Viktuuri

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(Decided to go with knight au lmfaoo)

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(Decided to go with knight au lmfaoo)

"Ne, Viktor~" Yuuri whined, his japanese accent completely evident. His fingers tugged on Viktor's shirt, making the silver haired man turn to him, petting his messy raven hair affectionately. "Yes? What is it, Yuuri?" He smiled sweetly. "You should go back. It's not safe if you spend too much time here." Yuuri muttered, playing with Viktor's silver locks.

Viktor sighed, placing his hand back down. "I know... but this is the last time we see each other before I get sent away tomorrow." He murmured, lying on his side to face the tan skinned ravenette. "I won't be able to see you again once I'm at camp." He said.

Yuuri nodded, a solemn look in his eyes. "I don't know how I'm going to do without you here." He murmured, kissing Viktor's cheek tenderly. Viktor shivered. Yuuri's effect when he touched him so affectionately never changed. Waves of electricity travelled down his spine as he mustered a smile. He nodded, running his hand through Yuuri's black locks. "You'll have to do without me." He smiled. "Besides, I'm fighting in the battle for you, Yuuri." He said with so much love in his tone. Yuuri mustered up a smile.  He didn't want Viktor to leave, but he knew he had no choice. "O-Okay.... make sure you come back in one piece, alright?" He said softly. Viktor smiled, kissing his forehead. "I love you." He murmured.

"I love you too." Yuuri said, with no hesitation in his voice. He was eyeing the small, blue diamond on his chest, the necklace only Viktor had throughout all the kingdom. Yuuri had given him that on his birthday, it was his mother's.

Viktor stood up, brushing off the dust from his shirt. "I have to leave now, Моя любовь. I'll see you again soon." He smiled, his features shifting into a lighter tone. Yuuri sat up, the blankets sliding off from his bare freckled shoulder. He nodded lazily, blinking his eyes a little. "Okay. Be careful out there." He told him, his voice husky from just waking up.

Viktor kissed Yuuri's forehead once more, then stood up. His sapphirine irises met Yuuri's warm chocolate ones. And then he left.


Three weeks without Viktor Nikiforov by his side. That was what he had to endure. The entire time, Yuuri felt restless. His comrades seemed to notice as well, even his best friend Phichit noticed the change in his attitude.

Yuuri was worrying more than it was normal, and Phichit was concerned. He knew of his forbidden relationship with Viktor, but he didn't know what made him so worried. "Yuuri, Viktor's okay. You don't have to be restless all the time." Phichit said, petting a hamster he found outside. (side note: i still get anxious that im spelling phichit's name wrong god)

"Phichit-kun, it's war. W-We can't guarantee anything." Yuuri said, biting his lips. He'd been doing that so much that his lips have gone red. "I don't know what I'll do without him..." He said quietly. Phichit sighed.

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