Beautiful | Viktuuri

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(short one lmfao)

He was so beautiful that sometimes it hurt to watch, but Viktor was willing to feel a little pain.


Yuuri Katsuki was literally the embodiment of an angel. He was so gorgeous, the stars detach themselves from the sky every night just to greet him. He was so wonderful that the moon doesn't only follow his car, it follows him too. Yuuri was that and so many other things. His raven black hair, which was so smooth and silky, it could probably one up a shampoo model, his warm brown eyes that looked like pools of chocolate syrup, his fair Japanese skin which was so soft that everytime they cuddled, Viktor made sure to make it extra special.

He realized a long time ago how lucky he was to have Yuuri. Ever since that boy grinded up against him at the banquet, he instantly had a peek into the future. He was the one. He always looked forward to seeing him, because literally anybody would feel blessed whenever Yuuri's around. (get it cuz hes the embodiment of an angel HAHA its 1am ok)

And right now, Viktor felt like he was being showered with holy water. "Yuuri~" He cooed, nudging his shoulder. The ravenette blinked, looking up at him with his doll like face. "Hm? What is it?" He asked, the tone of his voice sounding like a melody. He looked up from his book, with the rim of his glasses hanging on the tip of his nose, so Viktor pushed it back with a childlike grin on his face. "I love you." He smiled.

Yuuri smiled back at him, with his pearly white teeth. "I love you too." He spoke, and chills went up Viktor's spine. No matter how many times it happened, he still got the same reaction when he heard him say that. Like he couldn't believe he was actually saying that beautiful phrase in front of him. Viktor stared into his eyes lovingly. "You're amazing, Yuuri." He smiled. Yuuri smiled back.

"Don't patronize me."

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