Eyes and Teasing | Otayuri & Viktuuri

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"Yura..." Otabek growled. "If you keep looking at me like that, we won't make it to a bed." He hissed lowly. The atmosphere was heated, it's been like that for the past thirty minutes. The loud music in the party rung in their ears, but they didn't care. The dark purple hue in the room didn't help with the tension, either. Yurio continued eyeing him with lust in his green orbs. "I'll stop, then." He smirked.

"If you make me." He whispered lowly.

Meanwhile, Yuuri and Viktor were standing on the dance floor, dressed in formal suits, as they looked at Otabek and Yurio weirdly. Yuuri turned to Viktor.

"...Are they eye fucking each other?"

"Seems like it." Viktor shrugged, taking a sip of his champagne. Yuuri rolled his eyes. "You said that way too casually." He said, staring at him. "Oh?" Viktor asked, walking towards him. "I think I have the right to do that. I've had countless experience with eyeing you sometimes." Viktor smirked, his crystalline blue eyes gazing at him seductively.

Yuuri kept his deadpanned expression. He rolled his eyes, taking a drink of his champagne.

"Yes, because that's the only action you're ever gonna get." He said as he walked away.

Viktor choked on his alcohol. He mock gasped loudly. "Yuuri!"

Yuuri made a tss sound. "Truth hurts, sweetie." He smirked.

Meanwhile, Yurio and Otabek looked at them from the couch.

"....Are they tease fucking each other?"

"Seems like it."


(Just a quick drabble bc I have exams and school and a lot of projects and i want to die in a hole but I'm working on the long ones! Just enjoy this stupid short chapter, I'll make up for it, promise! It'll just take a while!)

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