Regret | Otayuri

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"I don't get why you always complain! I'm trying my hardest, but you never see that!" Otabek yelled, his face contorted with anger. The house was quiet, except for their yelling that bounced around the walls. One of Otabek's cats was huddled in a corner, scared out of her fur since the two have never gotten into an argument this big before. (personal headcanon that otabek has two cats lol)

"Well it's not good enough!" Yurio screamed, his eyes sparking with green flames. "You try your best?!! Nothing's CHANGED, OTABEK! You always fake EVERYTHING YOU DO AROUND ME, it's getting fucking ridiculous!" Yurio shouted in his crisp russian accent which made things even more intense. Otabek bit his lip before he could say anything else he might regret. "You know what? Get out. GET THE FUCK OUT. I don't want to see you here right now, GO!" He raised his voice at the blond, who froze for about two seconds.

Otabek was making him leave.

Yurio growled. "FINE. I DIDN'T EVEN WANT TO BE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE." He yelled, grabbing his phone and keys from the table, then going out and slamming the door shut with so much force, it was about to break from it's hinges.

Once Yurio left, the house was quiet. Otabek punched a wall, his knuckles immediately bleeding afterwards, but he could care less. He might have just made the biggest mistake of his life.

Yurio angrily walked down the sidewalk, muttering curses to himself. "Think he's so great, that fucker doesn't even know how to land a quad properly." He hissed, glaring at everything around him. Yurio debated what he was going to do. It was midnight, and he was in the middle of the sidewalk. It was cold and he had no place to go to except for Otabek's house, which he'd rather burn down.

So he narrowed down his options: A) Apologize to Otabek and get shelter in his house, which to that, Yurio says fuck no. B) Call Viktor, since his house was the closest, but he'd rather be burned down with Otabek's house than spend the night with a drama queen like Viktor, who would probably make a big deal out of everything.

Or C), call Yuuri and admit he needs help.

That's probably the better choice. Yuuri's a kind person, of course he'd agree to Yurio staying. The diffucult part was swallowing Yurio's pride.
He whipped out his phone and scrolled down his contacts. Yuuri. His number was barely even touched, it probably had cobwebs on it. He dialled the number. "Pick up, you pig." He murmured, standing by the sidewalk.

After a few more rings, Yuuri answered. "Mo-- Hello? Yurio, why are you calling at this hour?" A groggy voice answered. Seems like he's been sleeping. 'He almost spoke in Japanese, is he still adjusting?' Yurio thought.

"Oy, Pig. I'm coming over to your house right now." Yurio said straightforwardly, walking on the concrete. He could hear Yuuri scrambling in bed, then his panicked voice. "What?! Why? Are you okay?" He asked him, probably running around the house to prepare for his arrival. Yurio shrugged, but remembered Yuuri couldn't see him. "Otabek and I got into a fight. He kicked me out so I'm moving in with you until I get home tomorrow. Is that okay?" Yurio said, making sure to minimize the details.

He could hear a sigh on the other line, followed by a small pause. "Alright Yurio. I won't pry on what happened, but you're welcome to stay." Yuuri spoke, his voice was layered with gentleness, Yurio felt immediately at ease.

He crossed the road, stuffing his other hand in his pocket before speaking again. "Okay, see you in--"

Before he could finish his sentence, there was a blinding light with a screeching noise, and he felt his body breaking. His phone was thrown not to far away from him, who was sprawled on the cement.

"Yurio?!! Oh my god, are you okay?!! H-Hey, answer me! Oh my god--" Yuuri's frantic voice was on the line as he overheard the screech of the tires, while Yurio was hit with so much force he flew to the other part of the sidewalk. His milky, white skin was now covered in large scratches, blood and dust. Yurio was not moving. His head was forming a large crimson puddle on the road.

A person came out of the car, quickly running over to the boy, and he took one glance at him before whipping out his phone and dialling 911. "H-Hello?! Yes, uh, there's an accident on Maine street. I hit a pedestrian, and I don't think he's breathing!" He panicked into the phone, and the operator was trying to calm him down.

Meanwhile, in Yurio's mind, he was awake. Barely. He couldn't think of anything else, but memories. Which was weird since he wanted to get up and clonk the man who hit him upside the head.

'Yuri! Please, stay still! Your diaper won't fit you this way!'

'Yuri.. please stop crying, okay? I promise, I'll get you those skates tomorrow.'

'That's amazing Yuri! I'm so proud of you!'

'Yuri, this is coach Yakov. He'll teach you how to skate better, okay?'

'Hello, Yuri. My name is Viktor Nikiforov, how are you?'

'Yurio... what's your agape?'

Until suddenly, his memories turned brighter.

'My name is Otabek Altin. Do you remember me?'

'You had the eyes of a soldier.'

'So? Are you gonna be friends with me or not?'

'I love you, Yurio.'

His memories faded there, and his entire body was put at ease.

And that was when those green eyes that resembled emeralds, was never seen open again.

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