Never Smiles | Otayuri

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"Yeah, come on in." Yurio opened the door wider for Otabek to enter. He had invited him over, saying that he had some reference videos he wanted to show him before they practiced their pair skate for the post GPF event.

Yuri was dressed in a loose sweater with a small tiger on it that was a tad too big on him, and loose leopard print pajamas. His hair was messy and his cheeks were a little red from the cold.

This scene, of course made Otabek hold his breath for a little. He looked so goddamn adorable.

"Beka? I said you can come in." Yurio blinked, his long eyelashes enhancing the emeralds he had for eyes. He waved his hand in front of Otabek. "Oi." He deadpanned.

Otabek blinked, realizing he'd been admiring him for a little too long, and shook his head. "Y-Yeah, uh, that's right." He stammered a little and stepped inside, placing his coat on the coat hanger. He silently cursed himself for spacing out.

"O..kay.. well, Nikiforov's gone for the rest of the day so it's only us and the pig." He told him. "Let's drink hot choco before watching them?" He asked in the cutest way possible that it took Otabek every ounce of willpower to not just pick him up and spin him around like in those cliche movies. He was walking through the house and into the kitchen. He took out the mix and another packet. Otabek smiles, he already knew what Yurio was planning to do. "Marshmallows?"

Yurio immediately responded with a nod and an excited look in his eyes. "Want some in yours?" Otabek nods. "Sure." Yurio replies with an okay before going through the cupboards and taking out two mugs.

Yuuri suddenly appears in the kitchen doorway, leaning on it. He had his phone on his hand, and he didn't look up until he said something. "Hey Yurio-oh hi Otabek! Didn't know you were coming over!" Yuuri greeted.

Otabek sent him a mere 'hello' in return. "Yuri invited me over."

Yuuru nods, walking inside. "For the event, maybe?" He asks, opening the fridge. Yurio scoffs. "Don't ask, pig."

Yuuri completely ignores the insult and chuckles. "Whatever you're planning it better be worth it locking Viktor outside of the studio." He says. Yurio was quiet for a bit, before he stopped stirring and looked up. "Do you... still have the video..?" He asked quietly.

Yuuri grinned. "Yup." Immediately, Yurio's face lit up. "Send it to me." Yuuri chuckled. "Consider it done, Yurio." Yurio beamed. "Thanks. I ran out of blackmail material, so.." He stopped stirring and placed the mug in front of Otabek who thanked him.

Otabek, amused by the situation, chuckled while taking the mug. Which made Yuuri stare at him weirdly. Otabek dropped the smile, looking at him with a confused expression. "What?"

Yuuri lets a nervous smile appear onhis lips. "Whoah. That's a little scary, I mean you never smile Otabek."

This caught Yurio's attention. "Huh? But Beka smiles all the time?" He asked.

Otabek was red at this point.

Yuuri, needed to process it a little bit. And when he finally realized it, the cheeky shit, just grinned widely and took a bag of chips from the fridge. "Yeaaaaaah, I must be turning my head whenever he does. Well, I leave you two alone." He said and walked out. As he passed by Otabek, he flashed him a look and left.

Otabek sighed, taking a sip from his hot choco and smiling again at the taste. Yurio's lips curl upwards. "See, I don't know what Yuuri's talking about. You're always smiling, right Beka?"

Otabek didn't know how to answer that, so he only chuckled. "Sure, Yura. So why don't we go watch those videos now?"

Yurio nodded. "Okay." He said and took Otabek's hand to the living room.

What you don't know, is that I only ever smile when I'm around you.



This is the cheesiest shit but i liked it so


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