A Wild Christmas | Viktuuri

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(Trigger warning: mature.)

(Also, Happy Holidays!🎄

Ps, sorry for posting this like, after Christmas lmfao. I was so busy, hope ya'll forgive me)

"Yurio, can you help me bake the christmas cookies?"


"Come on, please? I could really use the help."

"No. I will if you pay me though."

"I'll tell Otabek."

"Fine, go ahead. Like I care."

"Oh really? Fine. YUURI~! Yurio is being mean again! He won't help me bake- MMF!"

"Shut the hell up. Where the fuck are the supplies?"

Viktor grinned in triumph as he watched the young boy stomp over to the kitchen angrily. He chuckled, amused. "They're on the kitchen counter!" He called out. Whenever Yurio was acting like a little shit again, Viktor always knew who to call for help.

Yurio muttered a few curses as he pulled out some ingredients. He shook his head. It was Christmas time, and he was spending it being forced to bake some cookies. His blond hair fell in front of his eyes as he stared out the window, watching the snow fall down gently.

'Christmas was fun and all, but why does it have to snow? It only makes skating outside feel miserable.' He thought. But nevertheless, he should hold back his complaints. It was his, Yuuri's, and Viktor's first Christmas together after Yuuri moved in with them. Viktor insisted he wanted this to be the best Christmas Yuuri could ever have, and Yurio just grumpily agreed. Yuuri was incredibly happy that they were willing to give this much effort for him to be comfortable.

Yuuri was in the other room, getting ready since he was about to do some very last minute Christmas shopping. He already had a gift to give Yurio, and he was sure he'd love it.

But with Viktor... well, what would you give a man who has everything?

The raven had contemplated on this for days, really not knowing what to do. He even asked Phichit for advice, but all his Thai friend said was, "Yuuri, if he truly loves you, he'll adore anything you give him as long as there's some thought into it!"

However, Yuuri didn't listen. He wanted to get Viktor something special, something he'd remember for the rest of his life. So he pushed back the thought, thinking that he'd find something for him soon enough. Maybe he'd run into something that would fit to Viktor's desires perfectly. Something, anything.

...and so, a week passed and Yuuri Katsuki had still not gotten Viktor a gift for Christmas.

And so, here he was, on the snowy day of December 24th, hastily putting on his shoes and wrapping his scarf around his neck. "Oh god oh god oh god!" He muttered while grabbing his phone and wallet. He ran downstairs, turning the hallway and peeking his head into the kitchen.

He opened his mouth to bid them both goodbye, when he stopped. His heart began to melt at the sight in front of him.

Viktor was smearing cookie batter on Yurio's face, who looked like he was about to murder him. The scent of baked cookies floated in the air, giving a very homey atmosphere. "You DICK," Yurio yelled, then did something that nearly made Yuuri choke on air.

Yurio laughed.

Yuri Plisetsky himself actually began to laugh and smear even more cookie batter on Viktor's face.

He looked like he was actually bonding with Viktor. And what was even more surprising, was he looked like he was enjoying himself.

Yuuri silently squealed behind the doorway, taking in the precious moment as he took out his phone, snapping a quiet photo. "My boys," He gushed silently. Seeing the look on Yurio's face made him so happy. It took a while, but Yurio had finally begun to warm up to the both of them. It was huge progress, since he remembered how much Yurio hated him at the very start. So seeing him like this, laughing and goofing off with Viktor really, really made his Christmas.

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