A Week With Yurio | Part 3: Slip N' Slide | Otayuri

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A Week With Yurio | Part 3: Slip N' Slide | Otayuri


"He's going to break his neck." Otabek muttered as he squeezed the oil on the floor by droplets. Yurio cackled as he sat atop the kitchen counter. "This will be the most painful one yet." He said evilly, his green eyes sparking with mischief. "Are you 100% sure he won't get pissed? Because he got pretty pissed at that blow dryer joke." He chuckled, placing the bottle back in the pantry.

Yurio rolled his eyes. "He won't do anything, I have a ton of blackmail material." He said, almost too proudly. Otabek raised an eyebrow. "Like.....?"

"His ugly selfies, his baby pillow from when he was a child, his nudes, his--"

"Whoah, WHAT?!"


"You have Viktor's nudes?!"

"Uh.. yeah? He accidentally sent them to me instead of the pig. Why?"

"...Yurio, that's-- you're... not supposed to.. be seeing that kind of stuff. You're 17."

"Why are you acting like you've never seen a dick before--"


Yurio sighed. "It's fiiiiiiine. There wasn't much to look at, anyways." He said, leaping off the kitchen counter.

Unfortunately, his feet forgot that there was oil on the floor, and karma struck before he even committed the crime. The blond slipped, and came falling to the ground. He almost banged his head on the tiles, when suddenly, large pair of hands embraced his back. "Jesus christ, Yuri!" Otabek exclaimed, holding onto him like a the last piece of pizza that fell off the table. "I'm up for your pranks and all but please keep track of them!" He said, struggling to keep his balance on the oil. Yurio groaned. "Sorry!" He called out, grabbing Otabek's arm, and instead of getting pulled up, he pulled Otabek down instead.

A loud crash was heard in the kitchen as Otabek knocked over a couple of pans as he fell on top of the green eyed russian. Otabek used his hands as support, and Yurio stared at him wide eyed. 'Oh god. This is just like what happened in the bathroom.' He thought. He was caught by surprise yesterday in the bathroom, so he prepared for any sudden movements now, and would you look at that.

He thanked every religion that he prepared himself. His heart pounded against his chest, waiting for Otabek to make the move.

"The oil stinks."

Yurio's face contorted into disappointment. "Really?" He deadpanned. Otabek blinked. "What?" "We're in the perfect position to make out and you say that?" He muttered, pushing the raven off him. Otabek was confused. "You wanted to make out..? But we're on the floor... it's dirty.. and there's oil everywhere. Why would you wanna-"

"Oh shut up." Yurio grunted, standing up and dusting himself off from the oil. "Eugh." He muttered to himself. Pretty much soon, the shower stopped running, and Yurio quickly grabbed Otabek's hand and ran to the living room, trying not to slip on the way there. Otabek stumbled and almost knocked down Viktor's figurine (Which Yuuri insisted on keeping, despite Yurio wanting to throw them in the dump.)

Viktor had taken another shower to rid of all the flour in his hair, since he almost screeched this morning when he saw white chunks on his pillow. Being the drama queen he was, he immediately thought it was dandruff, and ran to the bathroom to take an hour long shower. Yes, an hour. That man has more bath and body products than a middle aged woman trying to look young.

Yurio hid behind the couch with Otabek. Their position was very.... interesting.

Viktor steppe out of the bathroom, this time with his hair wet. He sighed, going over to the hallway that led to the kitchen. After all that happened yesterday, he needed his morning coffee.

When he looked towards the kitchen, he stopped. He raised an eyebrow. The floor looked... a little too shiny. He bended down and touched the floor with his finger, and just as he suspected, it was slippery. His gaze turned to the couch.


Yurio cursed. "Shit. Tiny dick is mad. Let's bail!" He yelled, then jumped out the open window. Otabek followed after him, his butt getting stuck in the window. He wiggled a little and set it free, then ran after him.


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