Lightning | Otayuri

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"I'm not cold

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"I'm not cold. What are you talking about?" The boy hissed as he glared at him. While shivering. Otabek smiled, his brown eyes sparkling from amusement. "You're literally shaking, Yura. Come on, stop being so stubborn." He said warmly, pulling the comforter over the freezing blond.

His body seemed to relax after that, but his lips were still pale and blue. His eyes darted left and right nervously. Otabek frowned. "Hold on, let me.." He said lowly before holding Yurio's chin. He gently placed his lips on his, kissing him passionately to rid of the cold. Yurio's emerald green eyes widened, his body stiffening up completely from the surprise. Otabek pulled away after a few seconds, smirking. "There you go." He said. Yurio's lips were back to their normal pink shade, but his face was incredibly red. And we're talking about an ctual new found shade of red.

"Y-You don't just get to go around and do shit like that, Otabek!" He yelled, stammering a little as he scooted away from him in a comedic manner. He was so flustered, and his attempts in hiding it only made it worse. Otabek chuckled. He just wanted to kiss Yurio, and the fact that his lips were blue just gave him all the reasons to go for it. "Why not? I'm your boyfriend, aren't I?" He asked, resting his head on his palm.

"W-Well yeah, but it wouldn't kill you to give me a warning first!" Yurio shot back, obviously really embarrassed. Otabek chuckled, pulling him back to the couch and draping the blanket over him. Yurio didn't fight back, but he still had a pout on his face and Otabek was entertained. He found him adorable, even when he was mad. He pulled him closer, kissing the top of his head, smelling the fruity shampoo that Yurio used.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in the room, and Yurio's eyes widened. A loud, crackle of thunder resonated from outside, and it was so strong that the windows were wiggling from the force.  Yurio squeaked, going under the blankets and hugging Otabek's torso. He blinked, surprised. "You're afraid of thunder, Yura?" He asked, placing a gentle hand on his head.

"No." Yurio said, although it was fairly obvious that he was shaking from the sudden shock. "It just surprised me. I'm not scared at a-AH!" He squeaked again once the roaring thunder sounded outside again, lighting up the whole house for a millisecond. Otabek barely flinched, but was amused. "Awh.. Yura, don't worry. I'm here. You'll be okay." He chuckled. "It's not like thunder will kill you. " He smiled.

"It's the lightning you gotta worry about."

"That DOES NOT make me feel better."

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