I Gave You Everything | Viktuuri

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How does it feel to have your heart broken?

Well, it feels painful. Really, REALLY painful. If you compare the pain to being stabbed in the ass to being heartbroken, then..

Well, a stab to the ass would probably hurt worse, but you get the metaphor. The point is, Viktor Nikiforov's heart felt like it was being stabbed in the ass a total of three thousand times, because the sight of Yuuri Katsuki kissing a girl was a sight left by the demons from the underworld. His eyes burned hotter then the pitchforks from hell, and his tears fell more than lava from the pools of the torture realm.

He didn't know what to say at first, I mean, what do you say if you catch your supposedly gay boyfriend sucking a female's face off? His mind racked his thoughts, trying to find something to utter, but all he could come up with was a 'Was my dick not good enough?'

The raven just sat there, on the bed, half naked, his eyes swirling with doubtful lust, and his expression contorted into surprise. "Viktor...!" He stammered, not believing that he was really in front of him. Or more like, he didn't want to believe it. The girl beside him stroked her chestnut brown hair as her ruby lips contorted to a twisted smirk, running her dainty porcelain fingers down Yuuri's chest. She had an aura of victory surrounding her. As if her mission had been accomplished. Viktor stared at Yuuri in disbelief. Then suddenly, he smiled.

He smiled the most broken smile. The best expression of 'happiness' he could manage.

"I never thought my biggest mistake was going to be me trusting you." Viktor's voice broke at the end, from how much pain was welling up in his heart. He felt every bit of emotion burst in his body, sadness, anger, betrayal. His crystalline blue orbs were sparkling, but this time, not with love like they usually did. This time, it looked like those sapphires that made up his eyes were breaking apart, crumbling and turning into shining tears that rolled down his cheeks.

Yuuri felt like the scum of the earth. The last time Viktor had cried, he had told him he was resigning. Everytime Viktor cried, Yuuri had hurt him. Viktor had given him everything, he had given him all his love, his heart, he dedicated his career to him. Viktor practically chose him to be the star of his life.

So when was he going to stop hurting this man who gave him his everything?

"V-Viktor..." Yuuri's voice had a desperate tone to it, he was pleading, almost. His heart was racing, his blood running cold as sweat ran down his neck. He couldn't move, the shame and the voices pinning him and keeping him from moving.

Viktor dropped the bag of movies and snacks on the floor. It was useless now, when his 'sick' boyfriend was in front of him looking completely well. Suddenly the sad cerulean left his eyes, and were replaced by a burning azure, but it was mostly directed to Yuuri and not the girl, who was still smiling victoriously.

"How long?"

That question alone broke Yuuri's world. The fact that Viktor had to ask that was unforgivable enough, but he forced himself to answer him. He deserved to know.  And so, through gritted teeth, Yuuri spoke.

"Two months."

Viktor didn't know what to say, so he didn't say anything. He just backed away from the two, shook his head in disappointment, and left...

Destroying the last bit of love in his heart once again.

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