Chihoko. | Viktuuri

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To those who haven't seen it:

It's "Yuri On Stage: The Chihoko Drama" on YT.



Who is Chihoko?

Was the question that bugged the five time world champion all day. Who was this 'SHA CHIHOKO' that his beloved Yuuri was apparently so in love with? And WHY did it sound like she was so much more flexible than him?

Viktor sat on the roof of Hasetsu castle, his mood looking like a bad thunderstorm. This woman, CHIHOKO was probably Yuuri's old girlfriend. And according to him, she could do the reverse shrimp position for days without tiring. Viktor huffed. That was nothing, he could do that in a blink of an eye. His once beautiful sapphirine eyes were clouded in anger. "She might have been a part of his past, but I'm his future!" He said as he stood up in all his naked glory. "I'll show Yuuri a sight so incredible that he'll forget CHIHOKO in seconds!" He said, walking over to the edge.
Meanwhile, Yuuri was in a state of panic. Where the hell was Viktor? Why did he wake up Viktor's underwear on his head? WHAT THE HELL WAS HAPPENING? The poor raven was in a haze as his friends began to arrive, telling him about all the crazy events that had happened the night before. Him apparently challenging Viktor to a strip, rock paper scissors and Viktor winning, which explained the underwear.

That still didn't explain the obnoxiously large writing on his back, written in russian. ПРЕОДОЛЕНИЕ ЧИХОКО, it read. (When i translated it it went to overcoming chichoko. Idk russian.)

They had forced Yurio to read whatever the hell was on his back. The blonde huffed as he narrowed his eyes. "Overcome.. CHIHOKO?" Yurio said, confused. "Who's Chihoko?"
Yuuri asked, in the same confused manner. "The mythical creature?" He asked.

"CHIHOKO!" Georgi suddenly yelled. "That's right, that's why you and Viktor fought last night!" He cried. "What?!" Yuuri asked, surprised. How in the bloody ends of the earth did he manage to fight with Viktor? While drunk?

"Well, it went like this.." Georgi began, sighing.

12 hours earlier (the dialogue and the italics are from the actual script)

"Well, obviously compared to you, my body's stiff..." Yuuri groaned, sore from the pain of his muscles being stretched out, then suddenly his face broke into a lovestruck smile. "B-but, she has an even softer back than you, Viktor!"

There was a dead silence.

"....she?" Viktor asked, his voice low as a dark aura surrounded him. "Mmhm." Yuuri hummed, still smiling.

"Who is 'she'" He asked, facing the raven with narrowed blue eyes.

"Welllllll, she's....." Yuuri paused. "Shhaaaaaa chIHOKOOOO-des!" He cheered like a drunken idiot.

Viktor's expression didn't seem to change, and in fact, darkened even more. "Sha... Chihoko?" He asked again, as if to confirm if Yuuri was actually talking about a person, and not an inanimate object that'd he'd be jealous over. Yuuri hummed in response. "No one shines brighter than her when it comes to lower body strength!" Yuuri grinned. Viktor began to get flustered, his cheeks turning red with jealousy. "Does that Chihoko really shine that brightly?" He asked, exasperated.

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