New Years Kiss | Viktuuri

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(AU where Viktor and Yuuri DO NOT know each other! Although, they are still famous figure skaters, Yuuri did NOT meet Viktor during the banquet, but still acted like a complete drunken idiot. Also, he wasn't his idol here. So no grinding occured, basically lmfao)

Yuuri scooted off into the corner.

Once again, Phichit had dragged him into another social gathering, even though he really just wanted to stay in and huddle under the covers because of the snow. But of course, nobody could ever deny that sunshine of a smile that Phichit had, and he always failed in resisting it.

Yuuri held the cold glass of soda in his hand, feeling the cold water drip down his fingers. This time, he made sure that he wasn't drinking any type of alcoholic beverage, at all, since that was too big of a risk for a lightweight like him. Add to the fact that he'd rather die than have those horrid photos of him on the internet again. He sighed, taking a sip of the fizzy drink and letting it sting his tongue. He looked up at the large clock that was on top of the door.


It would be the New Year in only a few minutes. Another year would pass, and it would be the same like always.

Yuuri didn't know how to feel about love. He had always been too focused on his career, too focused on becoming stronger and improving, that he never really stopped to think about finding a significant other. Did he want it? Maybe. Yuuri was completely fine on his own, but he always thought it would be nice to have someone. He knew how much being single mattered to some people, and how it would usually add more to their sadness, but he always made sure not let it bother him.

But there were times like these, or a better term, events like these that made his singleness seem like a curse.

Any direction he looked, there was a girl with a guy chatting happily. A girl and a girl laughing and drinking wine together. A guy and a guy holding hands while staring out the balcony. Everybody had somebody.

Well, everybody except him.

Before they arrived at the party, Phichit had specifically told him; "I swear I won't ditch you, Yuuri! I know you don't like being left alone!" Before proceeding to ditch him twenty minutes after they arrived. Yuuri knew he probably had a valid reason for it, since Phichit was known to hang around the more popular people of the crowd.

And so there he was, standing behind a wall and drinking soda, while tapping away on his phone just to seem like he wasn't that much of a loner. Even though it was painfully awkward for him to just stand there alone, his social anxiety wouldn't let him converse with any other people. It seemed like such an easy thing to do; approach someone, introduce each other, and then converse. It was so simple, and yet he couldn't do it. There were so many little voices inside his head that were screaming every little judge-worthy action that he was doing, that it was almost physically impossible to do anything without him draining himself on the inside.

He leaned his head on the wall, closing his eyes tightly as he heard the feint ticking of the clock, even above all the chatter.

What was even the concept of a New Years Kiss?

People around him never failed to do it. Every new year, somebody would throw a party and invite everybody they know, along with their own friends. Most of these people were likely couples, but there were also people who found love because of a New Year's kiss. Yuuri wished something like that would happen to him, but who'd just be willing to kiss him out of the blue like that? It sounded awfully cliché, and it was a little too stupid to be bothered by things like this, but the loneliness you feel when the clock strikes twelve and people around you start kissing, it felt staggering.

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