hello pls read

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hey yall

it's been a WHILE

jesus i dont even know when was the last time i wrote here.

anyways i gotta be honest with you guys.

writing this book has been such an experience. it was so heartwarming reading all your lovely comments and it was really freaking me out that you guys were commenting and praising my work—

i've always dreamed of letting people see my work, even though this was written when i was young and stupid and didn't know how to make good decisions lol.

still. i appreciate every comment, advice, suggestion, all of the things you guys said to help me progress this book. to my silent readers, knowing you guys were reading my work was more than enough for me. <3

anyways let me get straight to the point.

i'm discontinuing this book, since there's barely a drop of motivation in my body right now to continue writing. i think the main reason is i've just fallen out of the fandom, or my lack of motivation. (life has been beating me up lately.)

i think it happens to all of us. i put this book on hiatus because i still wanted to continue it, but it's been a couple of years and it finally dawned on me that i wasnt gonna be writing anymore for this book.

this was my first real experience at being a contributor to one of the craziest, most loving, sweetest fandom in the world and i couldn't have asked to write for a better one. <3

you guys are so precious to me. and even though it's been a long time, i sincerely hope you'll still be there for me when i publish some of my future works.

once again..

thank you for supporting me on this wild, incredible journey.

(if i have any friends/family in real life reading this please skip over the sexy chapters thaaaanksss <33333)

so yeah. 52K reads and counting.

god, i never thought i would be saying that.

i love you guys so much.

This is Neo.

Signing out.

He's Mine
Started: August 5, 2017
Ended: April 4, 2019

Thank you. <3

He's Mine | Viktuuri/Otayuri Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now