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(WARNING: this is a DARK chapter. if you're uncomfortable with S*XUAL ASSAULT, please, PLEASE SKIP THIS CHAPTER.)

Viktor woke up painfully. His wrists were tightly fastened behind his back, and from what he could tell, he was lying on a cold, dry floor. He was feeling immense pain on his ribs, limbs and his abdomen, and his eyes weren't adjusting to the light. If there even was one. Viktor looked over to the side, searching for anything that might tell him where he was. A tight cloth was wrapped around his eyes, and his eyesight was blocked. "Hello?!" He yelled out, his voice rough and cracked. His tongue felt like sandpaper; how long had he been kept captive?

That's when it dawned on him. He was kidnapped. He was knocked out and taken away. "Hey!" He yelled out, shifting around. His limbs felt so sore, and he couldn't move as much as he wanted to. He felt panic rising in his chest as more silence met with his questions. He felt cold air hit his chest- was he topless?! He was, and from how it felt, he was only wearing some tight shorts that reached to his knees. A stinging pain came from various parts of his body, which were definitely cuts.

He groaned in pain, lying on the ground. Hot were escaping his eyes. He felt so scared, so... so alone. He didn't know where he was, he didn't know if Yuuri was okay. Millions of things were running through his head. If Yuuri got hurt...

Viktor couldn't even think about himself at the moment. Did they keep their promise? Did they hurt Yuuri? Did.. did they...

Did they kill him?

His paranoid thoughts were interrupted when a door opened. It sounded metal and heavy, and it certainly wasn't a normal door. Footsteps echoed in the room.


"Oh.. Viktor."

A voice.

More specifically, a female voice.

A voice that he knew so well. The voice that belonged to someone who guided him throughout his whole career.


Her giggles resonated around him. It may have just been in his head but it felt like her laughs were deafening him slowly.

She felt her kneel in front of him. "You oblivious man.." She said slowly. His heart raced. Ivy was the one who did this? His manager? "Ivy... why? Why ddi you do this?" He pleaded. "I-I trusted you..."

He didn't want to believe it. She was one of his most trusted friends, she was his protector! What made her do this? What... why..? Ivy was the one who helped him with so many situations. She was.. she was even the one who helped him with Yuuri!

It felt as if Viktor's mind had gone blank. His mind couldn't comprehend this.

He felt Ivy's cold fingers run down his bare chest. "You're finally mine... my Viktor..." She whispered, her voice hoarse. Viktor's heart was beating out of his chest as he felt her inch closer.

"NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!" He shouted, trying to shake her off by struggling, but it only made her even more furious. "QUIET." She spat. He felt a rustling, and then something ripping. Suddenly, something was placed on his lips, preventing him from speaking. Duck tape. Everything he said was muffled, and he began to hyperventilate. What was she going to do to him?

"That's better..." She whispered. "You didn't realize, Viktor. I was the one who truly loved you.. I was the one who could've given you everything. But that meddling pig had to arrive... that... that SNAKE!" She shrieked, making him flinch.

"Oh, but don't worry, dear Viktor. He won't be here to interrupt us again. His body is long gone, floating in the depths of the Pacific ocean."

He's Mine | Viktuuri/Otayuri Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now