hiatus announcement

458 15 2

hows it goin, its ya boi

D E P R E S S I O N™

Anyways update

I'm going on hiatus. I know what ur going to say: wow posting a two part one shot then going on hiatus before postig the second part— calm ur tits.

I have a shite ton of work irl and its legit driving me insane. Writing more here will only shrivel up whats left of my sanity, so i'll spare you the trouble of reading forced writing and I'll take a break for a long while

Although i'll be back soon

I promise

I'll still be active here on wattpad but I probably won't be writing very often

And I have this, um, dilemma

I have to be honest with you guys, I'm falling out of the YoI fandom. Yes, I still love the anime, but.. its starting to lose its touch on me. Although i do love the fact that YoI music was skated to in the actual Olympics this year—thats amazing

But I'm slowly inching out of the fandom. I'm really not that interested in it anymore(ISTILLLOVEITDONTHURTME) And every paragraph I write on here just seems like it's forced

(also add to the fact that ive b en currently obsessing over hamilton and its eating away at my humanity—)

Here's my plan

I'll publish the second part of the 30k special then post one final oneshot

After that, it's over

i know, sad. Who knows, that might not be my final decision just yet—but for now, its what i'm going with

Anyways yeah

Thats it

see you soon...?

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