You're My Eros pt. 1 | 30K Special!

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This is a role reversal AU! Basically, the character's roles are switched and they are very OOC.

This was idea is by the curtesy of my lovely reader, MioCipher ! Thanks for the idea! By the way, thank you for all the wonderful suggestions and requests last chapter! I'll make sure to take each one into thought!

Let my speech commence lol

Holy shit, my dudes. 30 thousand. Seriously, I had only started this book as distraction for myself if I was bored. I didn't even imagine that this book would gain this much attention, especially from how lovely and supportive the comments are! Your comments literally make writing this book an incredible experience. I probably wouldn't even continue this if I didn't read those beautiful comments of yours, and I can't stress how much I value each and every one of them.

So. 30K. 30 thousand human beings have laid their eyes on my work. It doesn't matter if they didn't read all the way, what matters is they took the time to take a glance at my book's cover, read the description, then open the first page. You went through an effort to recognize my work and decide if it was worthy of your download. Some even took the time to follow me, which is just amazing.

And I really, really can't thank you all enough. Enjoy!



There he was.

Standing in the middle of the ice rink, dressed head to toe in an alluring black. Swarovski beads were embroidered carefully on the dark fabric, making him sparkle brightly even under the blinding stage lights. His pose showcased each and every beautiful curve of his body, and the crowd's screams were deafening. The whole stadium's gazes were fixated on him, him and his intoxicating stage presence.

His eyes were closed, and his thin, pink lips were slightly parted. His porcelain skin looked soft to the touch, even with leather binding his body. His heart pounded, and he drowned out the crowd's screams. It was just him, standing alone, as he listened to the repetitive beating of his heart.

And soon, the music started.

A chorus of slow Spanish guitars that rang out through the entire stadium. The anticipation for his movements were rising every second. He raised his slender arm, feeling the ambiance and the atmosphere of the arena and letting his competitive nature take over. There was a loud strum of the guitar, and the lights of the arena changed from a light blue hue to a sensual dark violet.

He began his routine with a quick swipe of his hand, that sent his body gliding across the ice. The whole time his body turned and bended, showcasing his flexibility and speed. He then started the jumps. A series of incredible leaps across the ice, jumps that had him flying for even a few seconds. He landed with such gracefulness, not even dropping once. The sharp screeches of his blades against the ice rang in his ears, and soon, those were the only things he began to focus on.

As he kept moving, his limbs and movements began to paint a story. A story of a playboy who changed women like he was changing clothes. How his heart was empty and he only found enjoyment from sex and playing with women. How he met somebody who changed his heart, who changed everything he was so used to doing. How she made him finally change his ways.

And how she broke his heart.

His movements gradually became more aggressive, flicking his arms in sharper gestures. Even his expression had begun to change, the frustration showing in every aspect of his face. His eyes sparked with anger as he placed the characters thoughts into his head.

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