Colors | Viktuuri

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Colors - Viktuuri


When we're born, we see the world in black and white. When we first touch our soulmate, the world turns into a painting filled with an array of colors. When we're alone, the colors disappear. But when we're with them, the colors reappear.



"Come on... let's go, Vitya." Yuuri muttered, slightly tugging on the leash of the poodle, who whimpered. "It's going to rain soon." He sighed, staring up at the clouds which looked grayer than usual. Thunder grumbled in the distance, and Yuuri was getting more anxious by the second. The poodle kept his stand, not moving an inch. And then, the ravenette's predictions came to a reality as small pit patters of water fell on his shoulder. He sighed, clipping off the leash on the poodle's neck and carrying the ball of fluff in his arms who didn't protest.

He walked down the sidewalk, the rain starting to pour a little but he kept the small quivering pup safely sheltered in his coat, even when he was getting drenched. "Y'see, this is why I tell you move faster, Vitya.." He sighed, giving the poodle a kiss, and he poodle licked his wet cheek back.

Ever since he was young, his eyes had been seeing gray clouds all the time. Everything was always dull and gloomy, but it's especially terrfying if it's shadowy, which induced Yuuri's fear of the dark.

Yuuri smiled, until suddenly the rain stopped. He looked up and all he saw was a flat gray surface, so he looked to his side.

Beside him was the most beautiful man he's ever seen, Despite him being gray and white, he could clearly see how perfect his features were. Suddenly, there was a feeling in Yuuri's chest that he couldn't describe. His heart was heavy, and his fingers were hurting a little.

It felt like he had something to do, but he didn't know what. The man smiled. "I thought you didn't want to get drenched." He said, his voice layered by a thick accent which Yuuri loved.

His face was a little red, but luckily it wasn't noticed because of the rain. "I, uh, that's right! Thanks for helping me." Yuuri smiled, small dimples showing by the side of his cheeks.

He nodded, smiling. "I find it very nice of you that you put your poodle first. I have a poodle myself, actually." He chuckled, his voice sounding like honey in Yuuri's ears. Yuuri nodded. "Yes, of course. Vitya just won't listen to me when I want him to obey." He sighed, then the man froze before chuckling. "You named your dog after me."

Yuuri tilted his head. "Your name is Vitya?" He shook his head. "No. It's Viktor, but people who I'm close to call me Vitya sometimes." He smiled. "O-Oh, I hope you're not offended or anything!" Yuuri apologized, and Viktor quickly shook his head. "No, it's alright! I find it quite adorable, actually. What's your name?" He asked.

"Yuuri. Yuuri Katsuki." Yuuri smiled, and Viktor nodded. "Alright, Yuuri, nice to meet you." He smiled, his eyes sparkling when he said that. Yuuri was desperately wanting to see what color was lying behind his eyes, the thick gray sheet that was the only downside to this whole encounter. They arrived at his house, and Yuuri quickly stepped in the porch and draped a thick cloth over Vitya as he turned to Viktor. "Thank you so much for helping me. It's very nice to meet you." He smiled, lending out his hand for Viktor to shake.

And when he did, the world changed.

Beautiful shades of color all flew into his perspective, the skies were in a shade of grayish blue, the rain seemingly beggining to ease. The trees were in a mesemerising shade of green, the brick path was in a soft hue of red. But what was the most beautiful, was the man standing in front of him.

He had the most amazing platinum hair, his skin was a perfect pale, and his eyes.. oh, his eyes, the most exquisite of sapphires, crystals he had for irises. Yuuri's eyes were dilated, he was entranced, he turned to Viktor.

"Do you.. see it too?" He said in a hoarse whisper.

But what Viktor said next shattered his whole fantasy.

"What are you talking about?"

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