Stronger | Otayuri

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(emo af but this inspired me so)

"Beka?" Yurio called. He bit his lip. He dreaded this moment. He had been delaying talking about this for a long time now, and after a long while he knew he couldn't take hiding anymore secrets from him. He tightened his hug on the pillow, as it was the only moral support he could get at this time.

Otabek entered the room, holding his phone. "Hm?" He asked, flopping on the couch next to him. Yurio was prepared. He was prepared to say what he wanted to say, he's practiced it in front of the mirror about a hundred times.

And yet, when Otabek was in front of him, he couldn't bring himself to say anything. He was like a deer caught in headlights, frozen. He looked down and bit his lower lip. His blond hair fell in front of his eyes, and Otabek immediately knew that something was wrong with the small Russian.

"Is... everything okay?" Otabek asked cautiously. Yurio usually never approaches him like this. From how long Otabek has been with him, he could tell that when Yurio wants to tell him something, he does it in the most careless, blunt way ever.

One time, when Yurio was making food in the kitchen, he had burned himself from the oven and he just casually walked into Otabek's room, showed him the burn and said 'So, Beka, do I need to go to the hospital or would bandages do the trick?'

That was an experience that Otabek could never forget, so he simply put two and two together and just concluded that being subtle was one of Yurio's best aspects.

So seeing him act like this was like witnessing an alien fall out of the sky. It was something he's never seen before. Otabek reached forward and brushed his hair out of his eyes, tucking it behind his ear.  The action seemingly made Yurio a little calmer, ridding his nerves of the anxiousness he felt. He eased a little, exhaling slightly.  "Yura?" Otabek asked with a gentle tone in his voice. "Talk to me." It wasn't in a demanding tone, it was more soft and a with little pleading. He wanted to know what was going on, but he didn't want to pressure Yurio. For all he knew, it could be a topic that he needed to be really careful about.

Yurio still didn't look up at him, his gaze was still locked down onto the carpeted floor. "Beka, I..." The young boy's voice wavered a little as he spoke, hesitating on his next words.

He looked up to the Kazakh with watery eyes, making his green orbs look like shining emeralds. For a moment, Otabek was entranced in them. They sparkled so much, even with tears gracing the surface, which was what made them so beautiful. 'He had the eyes of a soldier.' He remembered himself thinking before he met him.  And he was right, Yuri Plisetsky was one of the strongest people he's ever known. Not just with his skating career, but with everything in his life so far. He was such a fighter, a strengthened soul with determination being its fuel. His eyes were what drew Otabek to the young Russian at first, then when he saw what he truly was like deep down, he was drawn in even deeper.

But what the boy he admired said next shattered his small fantasy.

"I'm leaving."

At first, Otabek thought the world had lost its sound. The birds outside had stopped chirping, the clock had stopped ticking. Those two simple words had stopped time.

"...What?" He asked him, his voice breathy and full of denial.

Yurio bit his lip. He didn't want to repeat himself. Merely saying those words made his heart clench, but he couldn't be selfish right now. "Beka.... I'm leaving. I'm leaving and...I'm not going to be back for two years." He said again. Hearing the words 'two years' made Otabek tense up even more. "I'm... I'm going to go to another country... to train with more people. Lilia told me it was an opportunity to boost  my career, and that I didn't have much of a choice. She said it'd help me become a better skater and a stronger athlete.  And.... I knew there was nothing wrong with that, but all of this included me leaving you...." Yurio said, his voice breaking in sync with the dam in his eyes. Tears streamed down his cheeks and dripped down to the floor like small crystals. Yet, his expression didn't falter. He let those tears fall, not bothering to brush them away. His lips were slightly parted, albeit his crying was silent. There were no sniffles or whimpers, there were just tears. They just kept falling and falling.

Otabek was left in silence. No words escaped his lips, despite the younger's eyes staring at him with so much desperation.

'Please, say something.'

"I... I don't want to do that. Leaving you. H-Hell, I don't even want to leave the two idiots." Yurio chuckled, showing at least a little bit of emotion as he sniffed. "I want to stay here, this is where I belong. But with the competition coming up... I-I can't abandon this chance. Beka, do you understand me?" He asked, and Otabek could feel his heart break at the sadness in his tone.

"I've.. I've waited for a long time before telling you, because I didn't know how you'd react. I don't want you to think that I'm selfish for doing this, and maybe I'm just being too paranoid. But I still have so many things to learn, my skating could improve ten fold, I could be much more stronger than I am now... so please, Beka, try to understand why I'm--"

He was cut off as Otabek cupped his cheek, capturing his lips into a gentle kiss. At first he was surprised, but he eventually melted into the kiss, his small frame meeting with Otabek's. Their lips moved together in a quiet harmony. He fit perfectly in the Kazakh's embrace, and for  the first time in a while, he felt content.

Otabek pulled away, and a small smile formed on his lips, his brown eyes had a softer tint onto them. "You're right, you are paranoid." He chuckled. Yurio breathed out a collective sigh of relief. "Listen, Yura... I completely understand. You want to be a better skater, you want to get stronger. That's what every athlete sees as a goal to train for. Sure, I don't think I can handle two years without you, but once I see you return with so much more determination and power than you had before, it's going to be so worth it." He said. He placed a gentle kiss on Yurio's forehead, which made the Russian tear up even more. "You're my whole world, Yuri. Nothing's ever going to change that. I'm going to support you in everything you do that improves your skills, even if you leave while doing it." His voice trembled as he spoke.

Yurio smiled, wiping away his tears and smiling. "I love you.... Beka."

Otabek smiled back.

"I love you too, Yura."

And maybe, these two years wouldn't be so bad.

(CRUCIAL EDIT: changed the 'two months into 'two years' because a two months disappearance resulted in a drama this big was stupid)

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