An Assassin's Pledge | Otayuri | Part 2

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"Okay. I know it looks bad- hey, no, let me talk for a bit. It looks really bad, but I was about to die back there. He almost fucking got me. Can you believe that?" Otabek explained into the phone, his hand on his hip, pacing around as he stared at the grass. Thankfully, nobody had really taken notice of the crash so it didn't attract much attention.

"Did he get away..? Uh, yeah? Why do even bother asking me that? He practically made me eat dust. This kid is 19 and he managed to have this much knowledge in the assassination? What the shit, Lucio?" Otabek flinched when he heard his boss yell. "Don't you dare cuss me, Altin. This was your mission, and you blew it!"

He heard an agitated sigh on the other line, and then a few rustling sounds. "I'll get you another car. It's fully equipped. You better do your damn job right, Altin, or I swear to god-!" "I got it," Otabek rolled his eyes. "For now, I just want a pinpointed location of my target." He sighed, his eyes darkening in frustration.

Never in his life has he ever had this happen. This was the first time where he had gotten into an actual pursuit, and the first time he managed to have a car explode. He rubbed his temples, clearly angered. The idea of Yurio Plisetsky and his smirking face made him want to punch something. Otabek didn't like being taunted. And Yurio was definitely pushing all his buttons.

His phone vibrated, which made him pull it away from his ear and looked down onto the screen. There was a flashing red dot on the screen, which was still driving away farther from his current location. He gritted his teeth in anger. "Lucio, I might take a few more hours on this. From the route he's taking, it looks like he'll be planning to camp out somewhere. I'll check into a hotel or something and finish everything there." He explained. His boss sighed. "You better do it right this time. However, this will still be going on your permanent record. You're one of the best assassins we have, and I'd hate for this target to ruin you."

"He's not going to do jack shit." Otabek spat immediately, pushing his hair back as he grabbed his suitcase, going onto the road. He hailed a taxi, and got inside, sitting in the back seat. The driver asked for the location, speaking Russian, but that wasn't a challenge for the young Kazakh anymore. He gave the driver a hotel address that was close to Yurio's location, since the dot had stopped moving. He answered him in perfect Russian, showing no fault in his speech. Assassins were not only trained in the field of combat, they were also reviewed on languages and studies. Otabek needed to travel from country to country to eliminate his target, and of course, he needed to learn their language. Otabek was fluent in over 40 languages, and he knew each country's basic etiquette, behavior, and mannerism in order to blend in. He was trained to the brim with knowledge and education, and since he was also flawless in his combat, he was mostly the favorite in the whole company.

He studied these topics effortlessly. Like it was a piece of cake. Maybe he was a prodigy before his life as an assassin began? Or maybe he was just naturally talented?

As soon as the car started moving, Otabek finally had the time to collect himself. He went through everything that went wrong that day, trying to see where he went wrong. In some aspects, he could see some parts were he made a few mistakes, but they were all mostly out of his power. He rubbed his temples, irritated. Yurio Plisetksy was going to die by the end of the day. He wasn't going to let someone like him ruin his career. In assassination, you couldn't afford to make a mistake. Even a single wrong doing could cost him his life. He only got off lucky this time because he paid attention at the right second. Any later and he could have died.

He had to remember that Yurio Plisetsky was a hitman. He did the exact same thing Otabek did for a living, the only difference was he didn't have a company or an agency to back him up. Ever since he began his work, Otabek had the careless tendency to easily underestimate his opponent. It had gone on his bad side a few times, but it had never backfired this much.

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