A Week With Yurio | Part 4: Let's Go Out With A Bang | Otayuri

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A Week With Yurio | Part 4: Let's Go Out With A Bang | Otayuri

(no, not that kind of bang)


"You have to take this seriously." Yurio said, messing up the kitchenware. "This is the biggest one I have planned, since the one yesterday was a fail." He snorted. He placed another cup down the sink. He and Otabek have been 'decorating' the house for hours. This time, Yurio had other hands help them, not just Otabek this time. Mila and Sala were out distracting Yuuri and Viktor, by taking them to the skating rink in the mallo.....

For five hours.

Yurio was sure they had frostbite by now, but he didn't care, just as long they were out of the house. After the oil prank flopped, Yurio had bought Viktor some donuts as a peace offering for the flour and the oil. Poor Viktor thought it was nice sugar powdered donuts, his favourites.

Until he bit into the unique taste of baby powder.

It wasn't that hard buying glazed donuts and sprinkling baby powder on them. Viktor had coughed up white dust for two hours.

That was just the starter. Now, Yurio had the television crew in his house, because he wanted to have this broadcasted to the public. He knew what he was doing was a wrong, since he was actually making it seem like he was murdered, but he could care less.

People could bash him all they liked, it wouldn't affect him. He saw a person with the channel name, 'Sam Salt' on Youtube, and they did a prank where they faked the death of the other kid's best friend. Yurio saw how much the other guy cried for his friend, and instead of getting angry, the little shit got inspired.

Otabek smeared the red liquid on the kitchen towel with his palm, making it look like a desperate hand print. "I told you that there was too much oil, and you didn't believe me." He chuckled. "You should have known betterrrr." Yurio said, dangling on the kitchen counter to open the drawer and scatered the plates to make it look like he really struggled before he got 'murdered.' "Careful." Otabek reminded, standing up and going below him just incase he fell.

"I'm always carefuWHOAH" He yelled, and as quick as fate got him back, his foot slipped and he fell. Otabek quickly caught him, his arms wrapping around Yurio's small body. His hands gripped tightly on his waist. "What were you saying?~" Otabek teased, smirking. Thankfully, the TV crew was out in the mall secretly recording Yuuri and Viktor, so nobody was in the house at the moment. Yurio, instead of smiling, got incredibly pissed as he jumped out of his arms, stumbling a little. "Did you put oil on the counter?!!"

Otabek's eyes widened. "What?! No I didn't!"

Yurio glared at him, rubbing his hand on the counter aggressively. He then showed him his shiny hand.

"Oh. Guess I did."


"You said it was so that he couldn't grab on to anything!"

"I said you should put it on the DRAWER HANDLE, IDIOT."

"The counter's pretty close to the drawer! He still could have grabbed on to it!"

"HE DIDN'T EVEN END UP FALLING. Why didn't you clean up the oil yet?!"

"Oh, were you eXPECTING ME TO CLEAN UP?!"




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