y o u ' r e a d d i c t i v e

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Yuuri walked up to him and  wrapped him tightly in a hug. "I missed you!" He smiled. Viktor nodded, running his hands through his hair. "As did I." He responded. Seeing Yuuri always made him disregard his problems. He was such a ray of sunshine, especially in the darkness of the clouds that hovered over his situation.

Yuuri smiled, sitting down. "You know, it's been a while since we've done something like this, huh?" He said, as the familiar spark in his eye began to appear again. Viktor nodded, looking at him lovingly. "Uhuh." He said with a stupid grin on his face. Yuuri laughed at this. "You're so whipped, Viktor." Yuuri said, a teasing tone to his voice. "You really can't blame me, can you?" Viktor chuckled, taking Yuuri's hand.

Yuuri looked into Viktor's sapphirine eyes. Those enchanting, crystal-like orbs that always managed to put him in a trance. "You know, it's really hard to think that about a few years ago, we barely knew each other. Well, you barely knew me, that is." He said, laughing as he remembered his past obsession for the platinum haired skater.

Viktor had always found Yuuri's admiration for him quite endearing. He knew all of his fans were loving people, but he hadn't really met one as interesting as Yuuri. There was something about Yuuri that not only made him want to help the boy grow, but also find aspects of his own self that needed to improve. Without even realizing it, Yuuri had helped him become stronger. He gave him this sense of hope that made him feel like he still had something to hold on to when things got rough. Yuuri was his comfort.

The chatter in the coffee shop seemed to have dissipated, as the two of them slipped into their own little world. "It is very adorable that you were my fan. Your dedication was unlike any I've ever seen. Not to mention those posters in your room..." Viktor almost laughed, recalling the amusing memory.

Yuuri's cheeks heated at the mention of this. "H-Hey, any normal fan has posters of their idols in their room...!" He attempted to defend himself. "Mhm, but very few get to be engaged to them." Viktor murmured, drawing a finger under Yuuri's chin. His cheeks flushed even more at this, and Viktor laughed. "D-Don't laugh at me!" Yuuri whined. "Alright, alright. Anyways, would you like to go to the park? There's one nearby and I figured taking a walk might refresh us." He suggested. Yuuri thought about it for a moment before taking his coffee. "Sure. Let's go." He smiled. Viktor nodded.

Truthfully, he almost couldn't stand being in that coffee shop anymore. They were watching him. The incident with the coffee was no mere coincidence. He sure as hell didn't believe the 'fan' story as well. And regarding that, he has heard of stalker fans before but he never thought that it would actually happen to him. And based on what these type of fans would do to get noticed by their idols... it only made his paranoia worsen. His nerves were all over the place, but he was made sure not to worry his fiancé. Yuuri already had a million things running through his mind, and he didn't need to bother himself with his partner's own problems. He could deal with this situation by himself.

At least he hoped he could.

They walked out of the coffee shop, bidding goodbye to some of the fans that were taking pictures, as they strided in the open street. Viktor felt his heart race as his eyes darted around the shop, trying to search for someone who might have been lurking around near their table. Unfortunately he couldn't spot anybody that looked suspicious, so he decided to follow his fiancé outside.

"Something wrong?" Yuuri asked as he examined Viktor's expression. "No, no. Everything's fine." Viktor waved it off simply as he showed him a smile to try and divert his attention. "Let's go." He said, taking Yuuri's hand and putting the other in his coat pocket.

The walk was peaceful, as the beautiful aging leaves fell from the large trees that hugged the road. The concrete was littered with a mess of orange and yellow, contrasting the once green glow that they used to have. Birds twittered on the large branches, communicating with the language of nature. Viktor heard Yuuri breath in a collective sigh of relief. "Fall really is my favorite season." He said quietly, a ghost of a smile on his lips. Viktor raised an eyebrow. "I thought you preferred winter?" He asked, a little curious. Yuuri chuckled. "I still do. Winter is, undeniably enchanting. It might be harsh to some people but when you overlook what makes it unpleasant you can really see the true wonders of it." He explained. "But fall..."

There it was again. The sparkle in his eye that Viktor always noticed whenever Yuuri was searching for something.

"Fall is just different. It's a season of aging, where dead leaves fall from their branches. It's literally about life and death, but... how can it be so beautiful?" He murmured as he stared at the vermillion leaves that fell gently from the branches. Viktor smiled. This was exactly one of the aspects that he absolutely adored about Yuuri. He could see the little things. He could look past your imperfections and love what you truly are. He could see the good in... anything. He was so pure, sweet, and kind hearted...

....which is why Viktor didn't want him to get involved in his situation.

If something happens to him because of this stalker, he wanted Yuuri to remember him simply. As the man who loved him to pieces. His fiance that adored him. Not as someone who had a stalker. Yuuri wouldn't take it if he told him somebody was following him around. The boy already had constant anxiety about simple things, adding this to the mix would crush whatever self control he had. Viktor know what it felt like, he knew how it felt to be worried every second that he was being watched. He knew the fear, the pointless obsession with looking back, the anxiousness. He wanted to protect Yuuri. Not just from his stalker alone. He wanted to protect Yuuri from himself. Because he was sure that if word got out of this, Yuuri would break.

"....iktor.... Viktor!"

Viktor blinked, looking at the raven with startled blue eyes. "Yes?" He asked. Crap. He must've zoned out.

"I was asking about your skating. How's it coming along?" He asked, with his big warm chocolate brown eyes that managed to melt away all the cold fear he was feeling. He looked around  a little, and noticed that they were already at the park.

Viktor mustered a small smile. He had to. "It's going along great." He responded. Yuuri smiled, his happiness clearly radiating from his expression.
"That's good. Are you planning on doing anything new this season?" He asked. Viktor thought for a moment. He had been so preoccupied about his dilemma that he didn't even know what to do for this season.

"I have to surprise them, right?" Viktor chuckled, looking straight ahead. The park was empty, almost nobody was around as a chilly breeze passed by the both of them. "I guess I haven't really got anything planned for this season yet. I've just been really busy." He reasoned, sitting down on one of the bushes. 

Yuuri laughed, sitting on one of the squeaking swings. "That's okay. We have so much time to decide." He said. "I'm actually considering improving the Eros routine. I'll probably add more steps, more jumps and sequences.. and a probable costume change. Although I'll keep the black, red would be a good addition, don't you think?" Yuuri asked.

He noticed Viktor wasn't looking at him. Instead, he was looking at his phone with wide, disbelieving eyes.

"Viktor?" Yuuri asked worriedly.

Viktor looked up, blinking away the fear and horror he saw just a second ago. "Hm? O-Oh, yes. I agree." He said hastily.

Yuuri frowned. "Viktor, are you sure you're okay?" He asked, concerned. Viktor managed a nervous chuckle. "Yes, Yuuri, I'm okay. No need to worry." He said.

"Wh-Why don't we go home? I have Netflix, we can watch movies." He smiled weakly.

"Ooh, that's a good idea!" Yuuri beamed, standing up. "Yeah. Why don't you go pick up some snacks by the 7/11 over there?" Viktor asked, pointing to the store by the park where the people were. Yuuri nodded. "Alright, what about you?" He asked.

"I have to make a call. I'll meet you there." He smiled.

Yuuri nodded. "Okay." He said, before turning and going to the store.

Viktor watched as Yuuri's raven hair reached farther and farther away from him. When he was safely in the store, Viktor took a shaky breath. He gripped his phone tightly as he looked down. And then began to run back to where they cam from. The phone was still in his hand.

A message.

Return to the coffee shop. Come alone. If you disobey us, we will kill him.

And then a photo.

A photo of a masked man holding a gun to Yuuri's head, as he was sleeping in his bed at his house.

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