BDSM | Viktuuri

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yall probs this is kinky from the title lmao. nope, just a lil bit of fluff.
excuse me how did this get 300 reads in over the three weeks it was born??

my most read story took like three months before it got reads like wtf.

this fandom is beautiful.


It was morning, and a cold one at that. Viktor was currently sitting on his couch, typing away on his laptop, doing god knows what, while Yuuri was snuggled on his lap, earphones in and listening to music while sipping tea. There was a comfortable silence, aside from the feint music heard from Yuuri's earphones and the tweeting of the birds outside.

Viktor nudged him, murmuring quietly. "Yuuri, you'll damage your hearing if you keep listening to music that loud..." He said, leaving small kisses on Yuuri's cheek.

Yuuri pulled away his left earphone. "Huh? Oh, okay. Gomene." He said, lowering the volume. Viktor smiled, kissing his forehead before going back to his laptop.

"Oy, da--Viktor, can I ask you something?" The small blonde russian asked suddenly, huddled under the tiger printed comforters, eyes glued to his phone.

"Yes?" Viktor asked, looking away from the screen.

"What does BDSM stand for?"  The fifteen year old mumbled like it was the most normal thing in the world.

Immediately after this, despite being focused on his phone, Yuuri completely heard what he said and choked on his tea. "WHAT?" Viktor's eyes were as wide as saucers, as he remained frozen in his spot. Yurio looked up from his phone, concerned about the lack of response. "What?"

An aura surrounded Viktor. "Where did you hear that word from?" He asked quietly, setting down his laptop.
"Chris." Yurio simply responded, as Viktor was shot through the heart.

'I knew it was him!' He deadpanned in his head.

"Well, it wasn't necessarily Chris himself that said it, more like from an article.."

"I-In what context did he use the word, Yurio?" Yuuri asked in a gentle, motherly like manner, trying not to make the child suspicious.

Yurio looked back at his phone, tilting his head. "It's supposedly his new costume theme for the next season. For some reason it involves leather." Yurio read. "'Christophe Giacometti has been giving out subtle hints about his costume idea for the next season. From what we see here, the dominating material seems to be leather. Knowing Giacometti, we suspect that it has something to do with either bondage, or BDSM.'" He said outloud.

Poor Yuuri was as pale as a sheet. Viktor was still frozen on the couch. (Like ice HUEHUE ok ill stop)

"I don't get what he has to do with band aids though." Yurio commented in a confused tone, flopping back on the bed and hugging a pillow.

"B-Band Aids? What do you mean?" Viktor asked.

"Well, they did say bondage, right? I didn't think Chris would be the medical type, but whatever." Yurio said, scrolling back on his device.

Yuuri let out a sigh of relief. He really didn't get it--

"So what DOES BDSM stand for?" He kept on pressing, making Yuuri want to dump his head in his tea.

Viktor coughed. "Well, my dear Yurio," He said, sitting up. "It seems that Chris has been through some moments in his life that has made him reconsider his ways." He cleared his throat. "As kids these days say, he needed jesus."

Yuuri almost choked again, trying not to laugh. He sent him a look that said, 'I see what you're doing.'

Yurio raised an eyebrow. "And?"

"He's taken on the religious path. BDSM, actually stands for Bible Discussion and Study Meeting, which has become a popular practice in the religion." Viktor explained.

Yuuri was almost out of breath, biting his bottom lip so hard that he almost drew blood to keep himself from laughing.

"Inspired by the good deeds of the church, he's also decided to take 'bondage' as a symbol of healing, and to represent doctors and nurses that continuously help people everyday." Viktor said.

Yurio shrugged. "Makes sense, I guess. But why leather?"

Viktor began to panic. "BECAUSE LEATHERISTHEMATERIALTHAT JESUS'ROBEWASMADEOF."  He said in one breath.

Yurio blinked. "Ok, don't make such a big deal about it." He said, going out of the room. "Gonna order pizza."

Once the minor was gone, Yuuri burst out laughing. He was laughing so hard, he needed to clutch his stomach. Viktor smiled at how adorable he looked. "I-I can't believe you just did that. Oh my god, Viktor." He laughed.

"You have to protect the innocent nowadays, Yuuri. It can't be helped."

"What are we gonna do once Chris actually performs??"

"Simple. Keep Yurio far, faaar away from him as long as he lives."

"Viktor, you know that's not possible. Chris is literally everywhere--"

"Far, faaaaaaar away, Yuuri."



not meant to offend any christians reading this. hell, im a christian myself lmao.

i just randomly thought of this and i just had to.

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