On My Own | Viktuuri

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(this takes place a few years later.)

It had been ten hours.

Ten hours of rigorous practicing for the competition. Ten hours of frustration and pain. Yuuri was beaten to death, he had been practicing all night long, he was supposed to sleep at 8 o clock, but suddenly, just now as he was practicing, he noticed peers of golden light shining through the windows and was he surprised to see the sun peeking out from under the hills.

He was sleep deprived, his skin was a pale complexion, sweat was trickling down his forehead and he was about ready to just drop dead on the ice. The boy had lived with only water throughout the whole night, keeping him hydrated but also exhausted. He was tired, and he knew that not getting enough sleep days before the competition is NOT healthy. His muscles and his entire body ached, longing for a soft surface to lie on. However, despite how much his body was contradicting it, he knew he still needed to work on his spins and rotations, and that he needed more steps to finish his routine. Sleep seemed like the least of his priorities at the time.

Yuuri placed his palms on his knees, catching his breath as he stared at his reflection in the ice. He cursed, his voice echoing through the rink. "Damn it!" He gritted his teeth, before taking a deep breath and trying to calm himself down.

His blades left harsh lines on the ice, as he skated back to the sideline and turned on the music once again. He pushed himself off and got into position as his routine began.

It was going well at first, until he suddenly flubbed a jump in the middle of the choreography and he went crashing on the ground, butt first. He winced in pain, but as figure skaters were supposed to and used to do, he quickly pulled himself up and kept skating.

He moved gracefully along to the notes of the music, but even though all his emotions poured out onto the routine-tiredness clearly being the dominant one- he was still missing a few steps and kept messing up the jumps.

By his third fail, when he fell, he didn't stand up. He stayed there on the ice, as the music kept playing in the background. Sweat dripped from his hair as he looked down, breathing heavily. He wanted to stop. He was about ready to stop, he knew it was enough for the day. He shut off the player with the remote and let outba long sigh. He looked up.

But maybe... one more try. If he could try one more time then he was sure he'd be--


A confused voice sounded from the doorway. Yuuri looked up, seeing Viktor in a scarf and a coat, holding a cup of coffee. "You're early today, good morning." He pointed out.

Yuuri tried to stand up to greet him, but as he moved his muscles screamed so he forced himself to glue his butt on the ice for a little longer. Viktor took off his coat and placed it on the bench, placing on his skates. He skated inside the rink, smiling. "Beautiful morning, isn't it Yuuri?" He said.

Yuuri faked a laugh, smiling. "G-Good morning to you too, Vitya.. and yeah, it is a beautiful morning." He said. He looked out the window to see the birds chirping, and the soft drops of dew on the leaves of the trees. Viktor sighed, smiling. "Not as beautiful as you, though." He winked, and Yuuri rolled his eyes.

Yuuri forced himself to stand, despite his aching limbs begging him not to.

"So how did you sleep?" Viktor asked, brushing away his hair that had gotten a little longer. He said he was going to have it long again. (Despite Yurio saying that it was a phase and he should drop it.)

"I-I actually.. um, didn't get any sleep last night, I was too busy practicing my routi--" Viktor didn't even let him finish.

"WHAT?" He stopped skating, looking Yuuri dead in the eye.

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