1AM | Otayuri

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(IM AT 2K?? WAT?!

Also, hey! I'm back :)) I'm feeling a lot better now, and I'm already recovering, so that's great. The whole time I was gone, I worked on ways to improve my writing and I hope you can see even a bit of improvement in this chapter.

Thank you for all your comments. It really... helped a lot. <3

And also...


The blonde lied on his bed, his forest green orbs wide open. The soft chirps of the crickets outside were his only companions, as he stared at his grey blank ceiling. The room itself was silent, the only sounds were his sheets brushing against each other on the bed, the quiet ticks of the clock, and the gentle whirring of the air conditioner.

Other than that, it was silent, the Russian alone to his thoughts. The square, black clock on the wall read 1:08AM. Most of the world was deep in slumber at this god forbidden hour, but not Yurio. He was on his bed that was printed with leopard patterns, and was staring at the grey abyss above his head. He'd been up for hours. He had a competition in the next three days. He knew he had to get some rest, but his mind wouldn't allow it. He considered getting himself a hot drink to help him sleep, but he figured that making hot chocolate at one in the morning while he was drowsy would be a bit of a dumb idea.

Giving up on his mind's suggestions to put him to sleep, he decided to grab his phone that was on his dresser. He almost yanked it from it's charger but he was careful enough to hold it slowly after. He unlocked his phone, typing the four digit code onto the screen as his black wallpaper showed up. His eyes still had to adjust to the searing light from his phone, even though the brightness was all the way down. He opened the messaging app out of boredome, and looked at a contact on the very top of the list.


Yes, they were texting each other. So much, that Otabek was already on his favourites without Yurio even realizing. He hesitated, before tapping on his thread. A long conversation popped up, dated from yesterday morning and afternoon. It wouldn't hurt to text him now, right? Maybe he could ask for some tips to help him sleep. After all, Otabek wasn't exactly a night owl himself, and neither was Yurio.

His fingers began to dance on the smooth surface of the phone, clicking sounds breaking the silence of the room.

Yuri: Hey. I can't sleep. Got any tricks on how to do that?

Yurio looked at the message he typed out, and immediately deleted it. Got any tricks?! Who was he talking to, Otabek or a clown? And worse, it sounded like a shitty pick up line. He cursed himself mentally for being so stupid. He carefully retyped a new message, then read it again.

Yuri: cant sleep. u awake?

He read the text over, not even caring how much he was acting like a little girl texting her first crush. This had to be simple, but also direct. The message also shouldn't be insinuating that he wanted to have a long meaningful talk at 1AM, because asking the person if they're awake at this ungodly hour would either mean that: A, They're dying, or B, they want to talk until the sun rises from the buttcrack on the horizon.

Which was exactly what the message was projecting.

His fingers moved on the keyboard and deleted the message, before typing a new one again.

Yuri: can't sleep. idk what to do, u awake?

Yurio's eyes followed the letters on the screen, and he nodded a little to himself. That was good enough. His thumb pressed the green 'send' button, and the message was off. Yurio placed his phone back on the dresser so it could charge peacefully again. The silence returned once again, and Yurio was far too distracted by the text that he didn't even bother to put on music to break it.

Was Otabek even awake at this hour? Or was he just being stupid by messaging him at one in the morning? Probably the latter, but there was no turning back now.

After a few minutes, a soft 'ping!' Was heard from his phone, and Yurio grabbed it a little too excitedly. Or nervously, whichever fit best. He unlocked his phone and immediately viewed the message, his lips pursed tightly.

otabek: hey. yeah im awake, i was just watching tv. its pretty boring here.

It seemed like Otabek had no problem sending that message, which stung just a little bit but he let it slide. He typed on his phone again.

Yuri: ive been awake for like five hours. my eyes want to die but i just cant close them. help?

He pressed send.


He recieved a new message after two minutes.

otabek: did you try making hot chocolate? its your favorite, right?

Yurio's entire face lit up when he read the text. The fact that Otabek even bothered to remember what his favorite drink was made him slightly not dead on the inside. A tiny smile creeped on his face, something that wasn't intended to happen but it dis anyways.

And now that Otabek told him, he sure as hell was making that hot chocolate.

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