Thanks, Or Whatever | 20K Special!

1.1K 36 45

You know...

I remember posting this on my message board months ago:

I never, EVER even dreamed that I'd hit a number like 20 thousand on anything. I only announced the story in a joking manner since I never thought I'd get as much as 200, or even 100 reads. This is a huge, huge achievement and such an amazing gift, that.. I don't even know what to say. Especially how fast the reads grew. It's just so overwhelming, knowing that people are reading and liking my work.

I have always been a shy writer, and I never really liked making people read my work since I consider all of my writings as personal creations, and even publishing this book took a lot of courage, but.. seeing all the lovely and supportive comments made me so happy, I couldn't help but write more.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please, don't be afraid to leave a comment, since I read every one of them and your feedback makes me so happy. :)

By the way, I'm sorry I only just posted! I just got so damn busy with school that I nearly couldn't find the time to publish this. So please excuse the wait! Besides, it's YoI's first anniversary today and I thought this was the perfect time to post this chapter!

And once again, thank you so much. I would have NEVER gotten here without you. 🖤

PS. I'll just keep Yurio's nickname as his real name here so that it won't be confused with Yuuri. I'll be doing this chapter in POV's.

AND, there are some homophobic slurs in this chapter, and I'm not meaning to offend anybody!! It's only purely for the story! If it bothers anybody or makes them feel uncomfortable, I'll take it down!

Thanks, Or Whatever | Viktuuri/Otayuri | Modern Highschool AU



"Mr. Plisetsky, Mr. Katsuki. Are you two done with your little chat or do I have to send you to the detention office after school?"

Yuuri and I's conversation about the new game console that came out was interrupted abruptly. The teacher's loud voice resonated in the classroom making me look up at him. Our classmates looked like synchronized robots as they turned their heads with their judging eyes. The middle aged man had a frown on his face, his arms crossed against his neat dress shirt, aka the same shirt I always seem to see him wear. The guy probably has a tiny ass wardrobe. "Huh? Oh. Sorry, I guess." I murmured dismissively, not bothering to pay any more attention. The teachers always think that we'll have a bad time in detention, but it's honestly one of the lamest discipline punishments in school.

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