A Week With Yurio | Part 1: Walmart Weirdness | Otayuri

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(Yura is 17 here)

A Week With Yurio | Part 1 |
Walmart Weirdness


"This is without a doubt, the stupidest plan you've ever had." Otabek sighed. Yurio looked up at him, his large green eyes shining brightly.

"Of course I'm in." Otabek sighed while chuckling, whilst Yurio fist pumped. "YES." He grinned as he stood up on the table. "These are going to be the best days ever!" He said, jumping off afterwards but stumbling since obviously the ground isn't ice, like his feet was used to being on. He kept his balance and took his coat and helmet, opening the door. "Come on!" He said, beckoning Otabek out. Otabek sighed, smiling as he took his own helmet and closed the door.

They both stepped outside, the cold wind kissing their skin afterwards. Yurio was looking extra happy today, knowing who he was going to mess with. "They'll never see it coming. That prank they pulled on me last week would be the biggest mistake of their lives." He chuckled evilly, while Otabek rolled his eyes as he started the engine. Did he fall in love with a child? Even though Yurio just turned 17, everytime Otabek came over he acted like a little child who gets the giggles over other people's pain. This time, however, he took it up a notch and began blabbing about pranks he was going to do on Viktor and Yuuri.

"Are you sure this isn't dangerous? Or illegal?" Otabek chuckled, starting the motorcycle. The engine roared to life, as smoke came out of the back. "Pretty sure. I do know it'll end in some hospital trips though." He laughed.

Otabek furrowed his eyebrows. "Yurio, if this is in anyway life threatening-" Yurio quickly shushed him. "Don't question me." He smiled cheekily, knowing that Otabek already lost. The blonde always had his ways, no matter how complicated it was. He sighed. "Fine. Get on." He said.

Yurio grinned, hopping on the back and first pumping the air. "Let's go!" He cheered, as they rode down the road. Yurio's hands gripped on Otabek's muscular shoulders, as he looked up and around the gorgeous scenery surrounding them. From the tall, leafy green trees that hugged the roads, to the powerful breeze of nature that slapped across their faces, Yurio enjoyed every bit of it.

 From the tall, leafy green trees that hugged the roads, to the powerful breeze of nature that slapped across their faces, Yurio enjoyed every bit of it

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"I FUCKING LOVE MOTORCYCLES!" He yelled, throwing his hands up into the air which made Otabek swerve a little. "Jesus christ, don't be so sudden! We're going to die!" He yelled over the wind. Yurio eased a little, but his excitement sure didn't falter. "I'M GOING TO STEAL THIS FROM YOU." Otabek laughed. "I'd like to see you try!" He said, going a little faster but still driving carefully. The ride was  incredibly relaxing, far more relaxing than any foot massages after a competition, and that was in Yurio's opinion.

Whenever he rode with Otabek, Yurio felt like he could rule the world.

Soon, they got to their destination. Which was in fact, Walmart. Pretty romantic, in Otabek's opinion. Yurio hopped off the motorcycle and placed the helmet at the back. He waited for Otabek to park before grabbing his hand and dragging him inside. "Come on!" He urged. "Okay, easy tiger." Otabek laughed, smiling at the sight of Yurio looking so happy. He tried to ignore how many electric shocks was going through his body, especially on his right hand. A small, barely noticeable pink blush dusted against his cheeks.

Once they got inside, the fresh scent of the air fresheners and lemon hand soap entered their nostrils. It was actually a pretty comforting smell, and Yurio definitely felt even more excited. "Okay... so first we get baby powder, flour, oil, food coloring, hair remover, fake blood.. hm, what else.." He muttered. One item was said loud enough for Otabek to hear and his eyes widened. "Fake blood?!" He exclaimed. Yurio waved him off with an evil smirk. "Just go with it, Beka." He said.

Otabek was forced to be dragged around all day, pushing a cart filled with different kinds of items. "Ooh, this one!" Yurio pointed out, grabbing a leopard printed knife. Otabek rolled his eyes. "If you're planning to do a murder prank, then don't you think that's a little obvious?" He sighed. Yurio looked at him weirdly. "How'd ya know I was planning a murder prank?" Otabek deadpanned as he pushed the cart towards him. "There's fake blood, tissues, make up, rags, and an actual mop in this this basket, don't you think it's a little obvious?" He laughed. Yurio pouted. "Fine, you party pooper. Yeah, I'm planning to do a murder prank on Nikiforov, but I'm saving that for last." He chuckled.

"This is really morbid. Are you sure he won't get mad?" Otabek asked. Yurio shrugged. "Eh, he'll probably kick me out, but that's why you're here." Yurio said sheepishly as he patted his shoulder.

"Now! To the counters!" He said, running to the nearest check out lane with the shortest line. Otabek sighed, but he wasn't complaining. Any chance he could spend time with Yurio was already amazing enough. He didn't care if it included a staged murder, if it was with Yurio, he would do anything.

And with how long and random the receipt was, he could tell it's going to be a long, long week.


Here's part 1 of  A Week With Yurio! It's a small chapter series I'll be working on before I go back to actual one shots lol. I hope you guys like it! Also, holy shit thank you for 10K reads! I honestly never expected it would get to that number that fast, ya'll are crazy! But, I love each and every one of you. Once again, thank you!


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