I'll Make You Mine, Under A Sky Full Of Stars | Otayuri

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I'll Make You Mine, Under A Sky Full Of Stars | Otayuri


(Also, don't play the song yet. This is definitely my favorite Otayuri oneshot, and I hope you guys enjoy it and like it as much as I do!)


"No way. You're kidding!" Yurio gasped. Otabek shook his head, smiling. "No I'm not. It's your birthday, so I figured you'd like it." He said quietly.

"Like it?!" Yurio's bright green eyes lit up with excitement. "I love it! Holy shit, Otabek!" He exclaimed, tackling the raven into a tight hug. Otabek's cheeks were tainted the slightest shade of red as he wrapped his arms around the blond, smiling. "Anything for you, Yura." He said.

Yurio pulled away, keeping his arm on Otabek's neck as he touched the VIP ticket in his hand again, almost crying from excitement. He had always wanted to go to one of Otabek's concerts, but Otabek never let him because he was scared of what would happen to him. Those raves could get out of control quickly, and with someone as fragile as Yurio, he didn't know if he would last.

But it was his 20th birthday.

He was an adult, he was mature enough and he could handle himself if something went wrong. Besides, even if something did manage to go wrong somewhere, Otabek went through the trouble had already assigned private security to keep watch on the blond, but only from afar so he could still enjoy the night. He asked permission from Viktor and Yuuri, and they both said yes although he was advised to 'bring their precious son home safely or he'd lose an eye', and he didn't intend to anger Viktor Niki-fucking-forov.

"I'm so excited! I'll go get ready!" Yurio grinned brightly, kissing Otabek's cheek briefly before running out of the living room and going up to his own. Otabek smiled, a warm sense of happiness surrounding his heart.


"Is there going to be alcohol?"


"Can I-"


Yurio pouted. "Beka, I'm twenty." Otabek rolled his eyes. "That's still way too young." "No it's not." "Yurio if I catch you drinking any type of alcohol during the event, I'm sending you straight home." Otabek reprimanded, and Yurio sighed, nodding. "Okay..."

"I'll see you after the concert, okay?" Otabek said, kissing Yurio's forehead lovingly. "Remember what we talked about, avoid doing illegal stuff okay?" He laughed. "Yeah yeah, fuck off. Go away now." Yurio said, pushing him off to his management that was waiting for him backstage. Yurio was at the very front where he could enjoy to his heart's content. He posted a picture on his Instagram, of him taking a picture of the arena. Some fans recognized him, but not too much that it'd start a stampede since that was the last thing he wanted to happen. He wanted to get away from work and just enjoy for once.

And then it started.

Otabek was up front, wearing a black leather jacket and shades. The arena erupted in loud squeals and cheers as he welcomed them, although Yurio snorted. He wanted to shout 'IT'S NIGHTTIME', but he decided not to since he'd be recognized. He decided to send him a text instead.

Y: Shades during the night? Iconic.

Otabek read the text on the stage and he suppressed a smile. His eyes searched the audience, and fially landed on the blond in the front. Yurio didn't stand out much because of his dark outfit which was good, but Otabek found him anyways. He could see those emeralds from a mile away.

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