Cuddle | Otayuri

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Okay, I've seen a lot of complaints that the Otayuri ones end badly, and I'm sorry! I love angst, and Yurio and Otabek are like the perfect victims for angst. I'll try to make the Otayuri oneshots a little more lighthearted soon! :) as of now, enjoy this particularly short one since I'm sick and exams are killing me! :)


"No." Otabek shook his head, crossing his arms. "What?! But why?" The blond russian groaned, tugging on Otabek's sleeve childishly. "It's so perfect for her!" He reasoned.

Otabek chuckled humorlessly, bringing up the spotted pink and purple fabric. "We are NOT dressing our cat in a fashion leopard outfit." He said firmly. Yurio scoffed. "You're so boring. You never let me do anything fun." He huffed, looking away from him. Otabek faced the racks again. "Okay, look. This is a little better." He said, taking a snuggly cat sweater from the rack. Yurio's expression looked mildly interested. "That's... okay. I guess." He shrugged.

Otabek laughed, shaking his head. He brought the items they bought to the counter and paid for it, whilst Yurio listened to music on his phone.

The motorcycle ride back home was peaceful, since the sun was setting and the air was gradually getting colder. Yurio loved the feeling of just being alone and quiet with Otabek, so he didn't bother to talk or make conversation with him the way back. Although he tried not to fall asleep, since he's already learned his lesson from before.

When they arrived home, Yurio put the paper bag filled with items on the table and flopped on their white couch. "It's cold." He muttered. Otabek chuckled as he nodded, closing the door and taking off his gloves. "It is. The holidays are nearing, so it's gonna be freezing for a while." He said, taking off his leather jacket, being left with his gray sweatshirt.

"It's cold." Yurio repeated, hoping that Otabek would take the hint. Otabek looked at him, squinting a little before recognition flashed in his eyes. "Oh." He laughed, going to their room and walking out with a white, fluffy blanket. "Here you go." He smiled, handing it to Yurio. Yurio looked up at him sadly. "I wanted you." He murmured.

Otabek blinked in surprise. This was one of the rare moments where Yurio was the one to be demanding for affection. It was rare, but definitely not strange, since Yurio always seemed to prefer long, warm hugs instead of the short ones. Otabek sat down beside him with no hesitation, wrapping the blanket around their bodies.

After a little while of cuddling in silence, Otabek looked down. "Want me to put on a movie or something?" Yurio's blond head shook from side to side, and Otabek chuckled, pulling his head closer to his chest as he ran his fingers through Yurio's hair. Yurio smiled slightly at the feeling of being in Otabek's arms. He always felt safe around him, like nothing would ever touch him.

And besides. Otabek was so warm, he was like Yurio's personal, loving heater. "I love you." He murmured into Otabek's shirt. The snow began to fall outside of their window, and Yurio's eyes sparkled with admiration.

Otabek kissed the top of Yurio's head.

"I love you too, Yura."

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