Snow | Otayuri

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"Oy, Nikiforov! I'm going out!" Yurio called, grabbing his coat by the door. It was the middle of December, and snow was falling outside.

A few days before, just right after Christmas and Viktor's 28th birthday, (which he really, REALLY wasn't excited about, claiming that he was getting 'too old') Otabek had invited him over to watch a movie at his apartment. At first, Yurio was reluctant to accept his offer. It's not that he didn't want to, he was just... nervous. He was still confused on his feelings for the Kazakh, and he didn't want to screw anything up before he even had the chance to start it. But, not wanting to let him down, he accepted nontheless.

Viktor's head poked out from the kitchen doorway, his platinum blond hair falling in front of his eyes. "Where are you going?" He asked curiously with a giddy smile. He was wearing a pink frilly apron.

Yurio stopped halfway in the middle of putting on his coat. He thought for a moment. "...Somewhere. Don't mind me. I'll be back later. It depends." He said, huffing.

Viktor smiled. "Aww, are you finally making friends, Yurio? Maybe that other skater you always hang around with? What was his name, uh..."

"Otabek. The skater from Kazakhstan." A voice answered from the kitchen. It was Yuuri's voice, and from the sound of the sizzling from the pan, he was cooking. Knowing from experience last week ago, it was probably katsudon again.

Viktor smiled and held up the spatula he was holding. "Ah! That's right, Otabek!" He said. "Viktor, I need that." Yuuri said, extending his hand. Viktor smirked. "Hm? You need what, Yuuri~?" He asked, his voice lowering, leaning over the kitchen counter and hovering his lips on the boy's neck.

Yuuri deadpanned. "Spatula." He said, snatching the tool from his hand and leaving Viktor, making him tumble onto the floor. "YUURIIIIIII!!! THAT WAS SO MEAN!" He called, running to back to the ravenette.

"Ugh. I'm leaving!" Yurio said, his cheeks flustered from the cold as he slammed the door shut. A muffled, "Be safe Yurio!" Was heard.

Yuri scoffed, pulling his hood up as he walked to Otabek's flat. It wasn't that far away anyways. The faint sound of car horns from afar and his boots crunching up against the snow filled the air.

He hated winter. Nothing about the season appeased him; all it did was freeze windshields, make the ground slippery, and give you fevers. Also, that it would freeze you to death if you didn't wear a coat with at least sixteen layers. Ironic, since he pretty much lived on the ice and he was used to the cold, but even so, he never wanted to go out of the house if it was snowing.

But.... this time it was Otabek. And he was willing to make an exception.

He sighed, as the familiar white cloud emitted from his lips. He stuck his hands in his pockets and kept walking. He tried not to think of him. Thinking about Otabek just made him feel... different. His heart would beat twice as fast, his face would heat up, he would start biting his lower lip unconsciously. He knew that Otabek was his friend; his best friend in fact. He had never felt this way about anyone before; well, it's actually more like he's never allowed himself to feel that way about anyone before. He always considered other people as annoying distractions, and he couldn't be bothered less.

But... with Otabek, what he felt for him wasn't like how he felt with Yuuri and Viktor; and even though he hated to admit it, he thought of those two as family and not friends. It irritated him. A lot. Because he didn't treat Otabek like an older brother, he couldn't even if he tried. It was a little different than that.

Before he knew it, he had arrived in front of the building. He entered inside and raised his hand to knock on the door, hesitating.

'Whatever you do, don't screw this up, Yuri.' He thought to himself. He knocked on the door three times, biting his lower lip and fidgeting nervously. A few seconds later and the door opened, revealing Otabek. His black hair was messy, and he was in a casual t-shirt and jeans. His lips had formed a gentle smile. "Hey, Yuri." He greeted. Yurio's face brightened up. "Hi, Otabek."

Otabek opened the door wider, clearing his throat. "Uh, come in. You must be freezing." He said, a little awkwardly for his liking.

"Duh." The russian scoffed. He took off his coat and scarf, placing it on the coat hanger by the door. "Sit by the living room, I'll make us some hot chocolate. Make yourself at home." Otabek told him before leaving to the kitchen.

Yurio gave him a small nod,  walking towards the room and sitting on the gray sofa. There were pillows and blankets scattered on it, as netflix ran on the plasma TV. All the lights were off except for a blue nightlight in the bar, giving the setting a homey atmosphere despite it being cold outside.

Yuri stared out the window, watching the snow fall. The glass had frost lining the surface. What made it a little special were the snowflake patterns that were decorating the frost. Yuri inched over to the window sill, blowing on it. Mist appeared on the glass,  and Yuri began drawing a small heart on the mist. Distracted by his childlike action, he didn't even notice Otabek standing by the living room doorway, watching him amusedly. He didn't know that the vicious, angry fairy of russia had this gentle side to him.

Yurio frowned. He let out a small huff, wiping away the mist with his sleeve. "Tch." Otabek entered the room, holding two mugs of hot chocolate. He set them on the table, the ceramic clinking on the glass. Yurio turned to him, smiling. "Took you long enough." He said.

Otabek chuckled and ran his hand through his hair. "Sorry."

Yurio took a sip and his eyes lit up. "...It's good." He said, taking another sip. He watched the small marshmallows bob up and down in the drink. The steamy liquid ran down his throat, warming it instantly. There was a comfortable silence, then Yurio broke it.

"So what movie are we watching?"

(Short one, might make a part 2)

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