a n d y o u ' r e M I N E

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As Viktor ran back to the coffee shop, he felt his heart breaking with every step that he took. The leaves they saw earlier didn't look so beautiful anymore. In fact, it felt like they were taunting him. He hated this. He hated deceiving the person he cared about the most. He hated lying like this, keeping everything a secret from him.  It was like the whole world had gone silent, and he could only hear his own heartbeat ringing in his ears.

Yuuri had a gun pointed to his head without him even knowing. He could have lost his life at that moment, and for what? Because some creepy bastard was obsessed with him? Viktor was angry. He was furious, but he couldn't do anything. He was in their control. They were using Yuuri's life to give him no choice. He hated that they were using him like this, but...

He couldn't lose him. He could lose everything, just... not him.

'You're doing this to keep him safe.'

His pace slowed into a slow walk. He stopped. He was here. He looked around, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. There were occasional people who stared at him, but he was used to that. His eyes darted around, looking for something despite not knowing what it was. He didn't even acknowledge the people outside of the shop, who were taking photos.

Everything seemed normal, but he knew his every move was being watched. He looked down at his phone. A new message had arrived.

Go to the alleyway beside the shop. Do not keep me waiting.

He furrowed his eyebrows as he pressed the keyboard.

Why should I follow you?! Whoever the hell you are, you will not get away with this!

He waited for a few seconds, before a new message arrived.

Do it, or he dies.

Viktor had an incredibly bad feeling about this, but if they did anything to Yuuri... he could never forgive himself, knowing that he could have tried to keep him safe. He couldn't do anything but follow their orders.

He stepped into the alleyway and stood there, waiting for another instruction.


He looked down at his phone.

Good. Now I want you to do something for me. Call that darling fiancé of yours, and say these exact words:

"I want to break up. I regret ever meeting with you. You were my biggest mistake. I hope I never see you again. Don't search for me."

Make it believable. If you don't do this, then he'll be experiencing something far more painful than heartbreak. I want you to crush his heart and soul. Do it.


His hand trembled as he gripped the phone with so much force, he thought  he was going to break it. He couldn't do that. Yuuri's already went through so much, this would kill him. This was going against every thing he told himself before. There has to be another way. There has to be something, anything that can make this person change their mind. No. Please, god, don't make me do this.


Tick tock, Viktor...

A video.

Viktor quickly pressed play, and his eyes widened. It was a video of a hand that was holding a gun, and was pointing it directly at Yuuri who was sitting on the park bench while looking around. He felt his blood turn cold as  tears slipped out of his eyes and drop down to the ground. He quickly went to his contacts with a shaking hand. He pressed call.



"Hello? Viktor?"

Viktor's breath hitched. Suddenly, it felt like all the words he had planned to say disappeared, and he was left silent. Viktor gripped the phone tightly. He was being watched. His every move was being watched.

Make it believable. Save him.

"Yuuri. I want to break up." He said clearly, surprising himself for not stammering or breaking down the second he said that. There was a dreadful pause, before he heard Yuuri's shaking voice. "...Viktor? Are you okay..? Where are you?" He asked quietly, a hint of disbelief in his tone. It pained him, so much. "That does not matter." He spat, despite his eyes brimming with tears.

Yuuri didn't answer. "I.. regret ever meeting with you, Yuuri. You were my biggest mistake. I hope we never cross each other's paths. Don't even try to contact me." He hissed, his voice layered with venom as his cheeks  ran with tears.

No more. Please, that's enough.

"Do you hear me?!" Viktor yelled, but not because he was mad at Yuuri. He was talking to his stalker.

"I'm sorry but.. everything I've ever done with you was.. was a mistake." He almost wanted to hit himself for saying those words.

The line had gone dead quiet on Yuuri's end, and for a split second he feared the worst.

"Yuuri...? Are you there?" He asked quietly, his voice shaking.

"V-Viktor.... wh-why-"

Viktor ended the call before Yuuri could even have the chance to finish speaking. He couldn't take anymore of that. His hand dropped to his side, his expression darkening as tears dropped down onto the ground.

"Are you happy...? Are you happy, you psycho?!" Viktor hissed. His heart was in ruin. His mind was a mess. He felt like he was being toyed around with, like he was entertainment for some sick dealer. He may have just destroyed everything he cared about, everything he caredp for. He just lost everything.


Viktor looked down at his phone with livid eyes.

Very well done, love. I thought I might have had to use rougher methods, but you managed to make this as painless as possible. I'm impressed.

But now it's your turn.

And suddenly, just as he finished reading those words, a white cloth was clamped onto his nose. The world began to darken as he felt all feeling in his limbs slip away. "N-No..." He choked out, but nothing was helping him at the moment. The person's strong grip tightened even more around his waist.

"You're mine..."

He's Mine | Viktuuri/Otayuri Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now