I Lied | Otayuri

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also prepare urself lmfao)

"Yura. We need to talk."

The door squeaked open, and Otabek stepped in. Yura put down his phone, looking at Otabek confusedly. "What is it? Beka?" Yurio asked. There was a suspicious glint in his eyes, seeing how Otabek was acting. He wasn't looking at Yurio directly in the eyes, his fingers were toying with his shirt. Add to that, his lips were pursed, and his hands were clammy.

Otabek took a seat in front of him. He took a deep breath. He'd been waiting a while to say this. He knows he should be dreading this moment, but strangely....

He felt nothing. Just nervousness, on how Yurio would take it. No sadness, guilt, or remorse.

"...This... this isn't working anymore, Yura." He said.

Yurio's eyes widened. The eerie silence in the room grew even more intense. "I've been thinking about it a lot, and....I want to end this. I-If we continue with what we have right now, we're just going to end up hurt." He said, trying his best to get his point across. Otabek was always the quiet type. He was never the affectionate one in their relationship. Yurio was usually the one who would ask for cuddles and kisses, so the fact that Otabek was even starting this conversation was surprising.

Yurio didn't respond. Shadows casted under his eyes.

Otabek struggled to say the next words. "I love you, alright..? I've been trying to fix us for so long, you've been really distant recently and I didn't know what to do. So... I want to break up. I-I'm sorry, Yura-"

"YOU SHOULD HAVE QUIT TRYING TO FIX US WHEN YOU NEEDED TO FIX YOURSELF FIRST!" The russian suddenly screamed. Otabek blinked, surprised. "Do you really love me, Otabek? Or are you just trying to put up an excuse so I won't blame you?"

Otabek bit his lip. Yurio let out a humorless huff.

For months, he had been suppressing it. He had been pushing these thoughts deep in his mind, not wanting to even acknowledge these thoughts. He had created an illusion for himself, a facade that he had to put up every time Otabek was around. 'I love him. He's everything to me, I shouldn't be thinking these thoughts.'

It had been going on for a long while. At first, it was fun. Yurio could see hat they really had something, that they saw something in each other that was worth a relationship. He felt that their feelings towards each other were worth at least something.

But as time passed, that something slowly died out. Before he even realized it Yurio was putting up another version of himself that was there everytime Otabek was near. 'You love him, right?! So act like it!'

What was that saying again?

Once you start falling in love with the memories instead of the actual person, you know something's wrong.

Fake smiles started to seem normal, and disagreeing to whatever Otabek said seemed much more easier. The joy and the spark that had pressed the gas on their relationship was nowhere to be found.

"I'm so tired of everything about us. How we thought we were... in love, and how we thought forcing it could make us stay in love. I'M SICK OF IT!" He yelled. The house was trapped in a dead silence, with only Yurio's voice echoing in the room. His cat slowly walked up to him and nuzzled it's nose on his knee, mewing quietly and trying it's best to comfort the russian.

"Everytime we try to fix things, something else always ends up breaking. That's the issue, no matter how hard we try, no matter how hard we try to push WHATEVER this thing is between us, SOMETHING ALWAYS ENDS UP GOING WRONG SOMEWHERE!" Every word he spoke, it felt like... flubbing a jump in a performance. Pure fucking heartbreak.

Otabek doesn't care. He didn't love him. He was pretending. He only liked you at the start.

Yurio wanted to believe this was just the voice in his head. And yet, he couldn't deny it because it was fucking true. They only believed it was still there, when in truth, it was gone a long time ago.

"Are you satisfied...? Tell me, Otabek. Are you satisfied of the mess and the joke you made out of me?!" He screamed, pushing back the Kazakh and punching his chest. "Are you happy?!"

He slowly became limp in front of him, his fingers sliding down his chest. Otabek couldn't bring himself to say anything. "You know.... somewhere deep inside of me, I still have hope that you'll like me again." He let out a humorless chuckle. "How pathetic."

"I had the eyes of a soldier, huh? Did you fall in love with me? Or the person you saw in my eyes?" He asked.

"Otabek, why don't we stop pretending we're not on a road to destruction. Don't make it seem like I was the one who ignored you, because in reality, I was fucking begging for your attention but you always turned your head."

"It would had been better if I had never met you. You were my regret." He spat, standing up.

For the first time, Otabek had cowered under him. Seeing the absolute hatred Yurio had in his eyes was enough to paralyze him. Those weren't the shining emeralds he was used to seeing.

"Back then.... when I told you I loved you...." He bit his lip. "I lied. I've always been lying to you."

"Good riddance, Otabek. I hope we don't EVER cross paths."

And with that, he picked up his suitcase. With his cat in his other arm, he left. The door slammed loudly behind him.

And that was where Otabek Altin's heart shattered before his very eyes.

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