y o u ' r e e x q u i s i t e

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He rolled over in his bed, wrapping the duvet on his body and desperately trying to sleep. Viktor tried forgetting. He really tried to forget everything that happened that day, but he just couldn't.

Not with what he knew.

Someone out there had the key to his house, and they could break in any second they wanted. He rolled over in his bed, blinking awake. He tried scrolling through his social media to rid his mind of the events, but he couldn't. Nothing would divert him from this problem. The paranoia increased by the second, and it wasn't nearly as comforting to try and sleep with it. He didn't want to get up, because the thought of going downstairs ALONE, IN THE DARK, AND AT THE DEAD OF NIGHT made his insides twist.

Should he tell anybody about this? The controversy that would spread would be huge, and it could bring even more opportunities for whoever did this. He could try telling Yuuri, but the thought of upsetting and worrying him was too bothersome, so he decided against it. He figured Yurio wouldn't be much help either, and Yakov would just make things worse. Although, his manager would probably know some things...

He found his manager's contact and dialed it, not caring that it was 11PM. On the second ring, she had answered. "Hello?" Her voice was clearly tired and a little drowsy, although there was a hint of... breathlessness in her tone. As if she had been doing something before he called. "Hey, Lara... everything okay?" Viktor asked, genuinely concerned.

"Uh., yeah, everything's fine. What about you? What made you call at, what, 11PM?" She asked, a light chuckle at the end of her sentence. Viktor blushed a little in embarrassment, thankful she couldn't see him. His manager of three years, Ivy Fawn was an interesting person. She and Viktor were close friends, seeing as Viktor was the one who saw potential in her abilities and hired her. She was a great manager, there was no doubt about that. Whatever Viktor needed, provided it was on the right measures and it was within her capabilities, Lara could do it for him in an instant. She could get him out of the tightest situations he has been in with the press. Viktor was thankful and grateful in every way, he wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for her.

She was the one who recommended the estate agent to him, so he highly doubted she had a key with her. She wasn't an assistant, and he rarely—almost never—asks for errands from his home. "You're quite the night owl yourself. Anyways, I was just going to ask you about something... it's going to bug me all night if I don't have an answer." Viktor sighed. "Mhm? What is it?" His manager asked, suddenly seeming a bit interested.

"A parcel arrived in my house today." He said. "What? Do you know who it's from?" She asked. Strange. She's acting like Yuuri, a little aloof and caught of guard. "No, but.. it's a little.. unsettling that they know my home address. And it didn't look like it was from the mail, either. It didn't have a stamp, so it was probably placed in my mail box." He said, frowning upon the realization.

"....what was inside the parcel?" She asked again. "Uh....." Viktor dragged on. What was he supposed to say? He could just be like, 'Oh, just an album containing pictures of me and the last one being somebody taking my photo while I was asleep. No biggie.'

But he also didn't want to say that the package was disturbing or made him feel uncomfortable. And yet... should he really hide this from her? He weighed down his choices.

And so he went with the blandest choice he could have made.

"..it was nothing interesting in particular. Just a book about skating." He muttered. He was obviously bad at lying, and he was sure Ivy noticed he was hiding something. "Uh... okay. Maybe they misplaced it? You do have a few neighbors, maybe they intended it was for someone else—" "Ivy, it's a book about skating. I don't think there's another skater on my block. I would have known." Viktor said, surprising even himself at how easily that lie slipped out of his lips. There was silence on the other line before Ivy began to speak again. "Should I alert anybody?" She asked, her voice neutral. "No, it's best not to involve the press. It'd just stir up a whole bunch of trouble that I'd rather not be involved in." Viktor sighed. Ivy was actually believing his lie, which was a bit strange since she was a very skeptical person.

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