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The street is dark and eerie, letting familiar anxieties of the supernatural creep into Sam's head and taunt his reason. Thoughts of the unexplained noises and ghostly shadows, a thickness of nothing in the darkness like maybe 'nothing' is an entity all on it's own. Maybe, like air, Sam's trapped in it right now.
Suddenly he feels his body stop without his permission, a short burst of something new running through his system. Like the opposite of dread, it feels almost calming, and Sam finds himself smiling at the sensation.
That is, until a strong pair of arms hook around his chest and start to drag him helpless into the nearest isolated alley.

He tries to kick and scream but a hand closes over his mouth, and the effects of whatever he just felt are still playing through his body and the only thought running through his mind is 'Well, I'm fucked'. Sam's pliant body is shoved against a wall a body presses against him, quickly connecting their lips in a way he never thought he'd feel in this situation. The thought of an assault or rape occurring briefly crosses his mind, but that can't be right because fuck, the kiss feels incredible.

The tongue that plays against his own is skilful and impressive and somehow Sam finds himself moaning into the stranger's mouth, falling more pliant in their arms.
At that moment an unexpected wave of arousal shoots through his system and Sam's body jerks forwards at the sensation, hips unintentionally bucking into the air and oh god, is that someone's hand at the front of his pants?

Once again he finds himself moaning out without permission as the stranger begins to rub their palm into Sam's crotch, making him harder and harder and giving him just what he needs. His head falls back against the wall he's pressed up against and despite the situation he finds himself rolling his hips into the stranger's hand, wanting even more from them. He doesn't even know the sex of his person, but honestly he can't bring himself to care, it feels incredible.
He's certain he's never felt like this his entire life, and that he'll never do again.

"That's right, you like it don't you?" The voice introduces itself, distantly sounding familiar but in his heightened state Sam can't bring himself to care. But to his surprise the voice doesn't sound perverted or sick, but merely like it's trying to help him feel good in a caring way. Okay, that's kind of weird. "Let me please you. I don't bite."

Sam feels his assaulter lean into his neck and grin, pleased, and once again Sam finds himself guilty enjoying what's being done to him and he nods his head without thinking. God, when he gets home to Colby, let's hope the memory of this is gone so it doesn't have to be explained, Jesus Christ. That's when the hand slips between his boxers and bare skin, making Sam groan as the fingers play exploratively along his hard erection.

Sam is even moaning now, begging and pleading without his brain's permission, along with a constant stream of "Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" which he can't seem to stop.
"Feels good, doesn't it?" Sam only gasps in response as he feels teeth start to graze the skin of his neck, and it's probably because of his strange drug-like state that he doesn't realise there's something slightly off about this person's canine teeth. "Go on, come for me. It'll be good. I promise."

To his surprise Sam finds himself doing exactly as the stranger says - he groans aloud and his thighs twitch as he reaches his climax, being quickly brought to it by this person's hand stroking his length and thumbing the slit. That's also the moment that the teeth sink into his neck, and Sam's body loves the rush that feeling gives him as his entire body begins to tremble and he loses his footing. Fuck, this is intense. He never wants it to stop.

But it's when he starts to come down that the true extent of what's happening comes to light, immediately Sam feels pain in his neck, a pulsing throb, and almost like a trigger that mild pain switches to stinging agony and he convulses in the torture. In his panic Sam's hands fly to his neck and find his attacker still latched onto him in the same spot, teeth embedded in the flesh and sucking forcefully. Breathing speeding up rapidly, he tries to push the attacker away but his arms have become feeble and tired, and suddenly he's light-headed.

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