47.sugar lips and fang face

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"Cheers to the happy couple!"

"Cheers!" Sam and Colby echoed before downing their drinks.

"I was the one that got them together," Devyn crowed, delightedly.

"We know, Babe," Corey said.

"You won't shut up about it. We heard it from you before Colby even told us about it," Elton grumbled into a basket of wings.

"Look, I'm sorry. I would have said something eventually."

Colby tried not to appear too surprised when Sam slipped his hand into Colby's and rested the both of them on the counter in plain view.

"It's my fault. I asked Colby to keep it quiet," Sam confessed. "You know how the media likes to blow up over anything about me."

Colby sure knew it now, he was still amazed he hadn't noticed that he had been hitting on one of the most high-profile vampires turned in the last century. There had been so much coverage about the whole affair when it happened a couple of years back. It had been centuries since someone had been turned against their will as, after all, it was quite a lot of work to be wasted on someone who might turn around and kill you for doing it.

"It's fine man. I'm sure you had your reasons, right, Corey?" Elton said with a shrug.

"Oh, uh, yeah," Corey replied. "I was just surprised; you used to tell me everything."

"You only thought that."

That hurt look on Corey's face made Colby want to spill every secret he had. Colby should have been immune to it by now, but it always hit him hard. Right from the beginning, there had been things Colby couldn't tell Corey and there were even times he had lied to Corey, though he tried to avoid it.

The fact that he wasn't actually dating Sam was just one more thing he kept from Corey for his own good. Sam might be easy on the eyes, but Colby sure wasn't hanging out with an vampire doused in godawful cologne because he wanted to. Colby just wanted Corey to stop worrying, that's why he went along with this whole thing. If Corey thought Colby had gotten over the rejection and was dating someone else, then things could go back to normal between them.

"I was surprised, too," Elton added. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't think either of you were much for serious relationships."

"Let's show them how serious we are," Sam whispered, just loud enough that Elton and Corey would be able to hear, his breath puffing in Colby's sensitive ear and sending a shiver down Colby's spine.

In retaliation, Colby threw his arm around Sam and whispered back, "Who says this is serious? Maybe I'm looking to break your heart."

"Please, I'm the heartbreaker here, haven't you heard?"

"That was before you met me."

Corey coughed, then politely asked, "Where are Sam's friends?"

"He doesn't have any," Colby snickered, letting go of Sam's shoulder.

"That's hurtful, honey bunny. They're busy." Sam shifted in his seat and finished off the last of his drink. "No rest for the wicked and all that."

"Maybe next time we can find a time that works for them, too," Elton suggested before Colby could tease Sam some more.

"We'll work something out," Sam agreed before calling to Devyn for another drink.

They chatted for a while longer, knocking back a couple of drinks each in the process. Devyn stopped by whenever she had a moment to croon over how "cute" Sam and Colby were together.

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