57.I'll even wear my uniform for you.

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"Sam!" A kick to his feet jolts Officer Sam Golbach awake, head rolling lazily to meet Chief Elton's annoyed gaze. He lifts an eyebrow, tilting his head. "Yes?"

Chief (Uncle) Elton sighs and shoves familiar darkly dressed gangster into the chair opposite of Sam's desk. "You might be the precinct's rising star but that doesn't mean I'll tolerate you sleeping on the job." He smacks the back of the gangster's, glaring at him with disdain. "Process this piece of shit so we can go home before the storm gets worse."

As if on cue a low crack of thunder makes the lights in the station flicker ominously. Sam glances around at the empty desks, the other officers went home hours ago while he had been stuck with night shift because Chief Elton had a grudge against him.

"Yes. sir." Sam mockingly salutes him, hiding a smirk at the glare he receives from the Chief.

Chief Elton narrows his eyes, anger straightening his back. "Golbach, I don't like you and if you weren't an asset to the precinct I would have kicked your ass out of here, you cocky asshole." He throws down a set of keys onto Sam's desk and turns to leave. "Lock up, I'm going home."

Chuckling darkly, Sam looks over the man sitting across from him. He bites and he trails his eyes down the dripping wet man in front of him. Dark brown hair shoved back into a black snapback, revealing the smooth skin of his forehead. Earrings litter the lobes of both ears, a silver eyebrow piercing that catches the fluorescent lighting of the station. A simple black choker adorns his pale neck, the color complementing the smoothness of his skin. Black leather jacket that giving a hard edge to his button nose and pretty blue eyes.

Sam allows a slow smirk to curve his mouth, lifting his eyes back up to the man in front of him, watching with keen interest as beads of water roll down the gangster's neck and catch on his choker. "Colby Brock, back so soon?" He leans forward and purrs, voice honey smooth. "Did you miss me that much?"

The gangster, Colby, sighs disdainfully and cocks an eyebrow at him. "Officer Samuel." He clenches his jaw and sighs tiredly, the sharp line of it sends a twinge of arousal through Sam. "look, just throw me in jail so I can sleep and you can go home."

Sam ignores him, more interested in the glimpses of silver in Colby's mouth as he talks. He leans forward and catches Colby's chin between his thumb and forefinger, yanking his head down. "What happened to the gold barbell, babydoll?" He drawls, voice dropping an octave.

Colby jerks his head out of his grip, sighing as he looks over the officer. "Is that part of your interrogation," He pauses, pierced tongue peeking out to wet his lips. "Officer Sam?"

"Of course, it'd be very helpful. Now, would you be opposed to a dashingly handsome officer bending you over over a table?" He hides his grin at the flush rolling up Colby's neck and heat in his eyes.

Colby jolts forward, broad shoulders in sharp relief as he straightens, handcuffed hands behind his back. "Samuel Golbach! It's nearly five in the morning and I'm fucking wet and tired. Uncuff me and put me in a cell."

The officer's eyes linger on the slight blush sitting high on the gangster's cheekbones. "You okay? You're looking a red in the face there, babydoll."

Colby scoffs, anger at war with the obvious arousal in his eyes as he leans back. His shoulders twist before he stands up and carelessly tosses the handcuffs onto Sam's desk. "Shut the fuck up, interrogate me in the morning if you want but I'm going sleep."

Sam sits back in his chair and let Colby walk away towards the cells, eyes on the tattoos peeking out on Colby's thighs through the rather illegal rips in his jeans. "I see you know your way around a pair of handcuffs."

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