58.I'm sorry that I hurt you

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Sam wakes up way before he actually has to and groans when he realises that he's hopelessly tangled up with Colby in bed. He nudges Colby over carefully and manages to get out of bed without waking Colby up. Colby sighs in his sleep and reaches out with one arm to Sam's side of the bed, a slight frown marring his brow.

Sa almost feels guilty for this as he looks back at Colby. He's fully dressed and his hand is resting on the knob of the bedroom door. He tells himself that Colby will understand why he left, that it won't matter to him. He sighs and leaves, closing the door gently behind him.

Later on, when Colby and Brennen make their way into the trap house, laughing and shoving playfully at each other, Sam's breath hitches in his throat when he looks up at Colby. Colby's bottom lip is bruised and slightly swollen from Sam's biting kiss last night and it makes a spark of heat flare in his belly.

"What happened to your lip, Colby?" Corey asks, a smirk on his face as he takes in Colby's appearance.

Colby's eyes seek out Sam and he stares him down for a moment before answering. "Bitch liked to bite last night."

Sam sneers at him and looks back down at the phone in his hands. He absently listens to Corey and Brennen tease Colby over the mark.

The day goes by fairly quickly. They made a few skits, played rocket league, got what they needed done. Colby is shrugging on his jacket and heading out the door when Sam stops him after Brennen left and Corey went to his room.

"What, man?" Colby looks impatient.

"Can we talk?" Sam asks, feeling nervous. He shouldn't be nervous, shouldn't want to talk about this, but he can't seem to help himself when it comes to Colby.

"I got nothing to say." Colby pulls away from Sam and makes to go out the door again.

"Will you just listen then?" Sam catches Colby by the shoulder.

Colby hisses slightly and shrugs Sam's hand off of him. Sam looks startled.

"Did I hurt you?" He asks, hands already working Colby's jacket off before he can protest.

Colby glares at him and pushes his hands away. "Don't touch me."

"Come on, Colby. Why you mad?" Sam wraps his arms around Colby's waist, backing him up against the closed door.

"The little stunt you pulled last night. I've been as patient as I can be, but I'm getting tired of the you wanna play. Either you're in this or you're not." Colby snaps at Sam.

"In what? There's nothing to be in." Sam says, honestly confused.

"Then I guess I just got my answer." Colby pushes Sam back a few steps and turns around, opening the door.

Sa slams it before Colby gets the chance to walk out. "Did you think there was something more going on besides sex?"

Colby sucks in a shaky breath. He doesn't want to talk about this anymore. Sam won't let it go though until he finds whatever he's looking for and then he'll tear Colby to shreds over this, raking him over the coals for being stupid enough to think that they were anything more than two occasionally having sex.

"You did, didn't you? Why?" Sam's voice is soft, hushed.

"Because I was deluding myself into believing something that could never be true." Colby sighs, leaning back against the door and dragging his hands down over his face.

"Are you....are you in love with me?" Sam asks, voice flat.

Colby tenses and doesn't answer, not meeting Sam's eyes. It was stupid on his part to get so emotionally invested in their flirt because that's all it ever was to Sam, a flirt. It had just seemed so natural. They were best friends and when they started sleeping together, Colby just couldn't help himself. He always let his emotions get the better of him.

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